Dr. Elena Gadjanova, 2013-2017
Curriculum Vitae
Elena Gadjanova was a member of the Department of Socio-Cultural Diversity until 2017. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, and an MPhil in International Relations from the University of Cambridge. Her work focuses on ethnic politics and identities, particularly as these relate to questions of electoral campaign strategy and voting in Sub-Saharan Africa. She studies the use of political communication, the construction of social identities, and the role of informal institutions in new democracies. She has performed extensive fieldwork in Ghana and Kenya, and is finalizing a book manuscript on cross-ethnic coalitions in Africa’s presidential regimes. Her field research has also been supported by the Fritz-Thyssen Foundation. From September 2015 to June 2016, Elena was the recipient of a Fung Global Fellowship, one of six awarded world-wide, for residence at Princeton University. In the past, she has also held teaching positions at the Graduate Institute in Geneva and a Doctoral Fellowship at Columbia University. Elena Gadjanova is now a Lecturer at the University of Exeter. Elena coordinates the African Diversities Colloquium and co-edits the journal New Diversities.
Personal website: www.elenagadjanova.com