Prof. Dr. Hui Wang
Curriculum Vitae
From 2018-2023 Prof. Hui Wang is working at the East Asian Department of the University of Göttingen based on an Anneliese Maier Research Award granted by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Wang Hui, who in the past served as the coeditor of the influential Chinese journal Dushu, is not only a highly influential figure in the academic and sociopolitical debates in China. Also in many other parts of the world, his works – for instance his critical reflections on Chinese and global modernity – have been widely received. In 2008, the magazine Foreign Policy listed him among the top 100 most influential intellectuals worldwide. In Germany, he has already contributed to public debates through substantially published dialogues with politicians like Helmut Schmidt or Sigmar Gabriel.
Extra information
Stay at MPI-MMG:
August - October 2018, June - August 2019