Tim Rosenkranz
Curriculum Vitae
Tim Rosenkranz was a PhD Candidate in Sociology at the New School for Social Research in New York. His research focuses on the study of processes
of externalization, outsourcing, and commodification. He specifically
examines how national destination marketing constitutes the
commodification of national narratives in global markets of tourism.
His dissertation Nations as Destinations: Analyzing Tourist Source-Markets as Local Fields of Global Production examines the expanded relations and practices of national imagination as externalized, economic interactions in global markets. His article “Becoming Entrepreneurial: Crisis, Ethics and Marketization in the Field of Travel Journalism” (Poetics, 2016) explores the relation between economic crisis narratives and shifting ethics in freelance journalism. His most recent article “From Contract to Speculation: New Relations of Work and Production in Freelance Travel Journalism” theorizes freelance production in the absence of contracts as speculation (Work, Employment and Society, 2018). He has conducted field research in India and the USA supported with a National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant and a research grant from The New School’s India-China Institute.