The accommodation of religious diversity in Spanish public institutions (completed) (Julia Martínez-Ariño)
Changing legal definitions of minority rights and nationhood in written constitutions (completed) (Matthias Koenig)
Citizenship and cultural diversity in Europe: The nexus between public policies and individual level dynamics (completed) (Zeynep Yanasmayan)
International law and the politics of religious difference: a historical sociological account (completed) (Matthias Koenig)
Judicial politics and the governance of religious diversity (completed) (Matthias Koenig, Lisa Harms)
Post-imperial diversities – majority-minority relations in the transition from empires to nation-states (ImpDiv) (completed) (Matthias Koenig, Artem Galushko)
Religious minority protection and the law of international intervention (completed) (Stefan Kroll)
Repertoires of diversity and collective boundaries: diverging paths between Portugal and Brazil? (completed) (Nuno Oliveira)
Secularity, cultural memory, and the governance of religious diversity – Spain and Canada in comparison (completed) (Marian Burchardt)
The transformative capacity of commemorating violent pasts (completed) (Claire Whitlinger)
The unintended consequences of constitutionalism – ethnic conflict dynamics in the late Ottoman Empire (completed) ( Nader Sohrabi)