


Video October 22, 2024

Im Gespräch mit dem Journalisten Georg Dietz spricht Steven Vertovec, Direktor des Göttinger Max-Planck-Instituts zur Erforschung multiethnischer und multireligiöser Gesellschaften, über sein Buch „Superdiversität“ (Suhrkamp Verlag 2024). Der Begriff, den der Göttinger Forscher geprägt hat, hilft zu verstehen, wie es zu den zunehmenden Diversifizierungsprozessen in modernen Gesellschaften kommt. Migration spielt dabei eine zentrale Rolle. Das Gespräch wird in englischer Sprache geführt. more

<span>Steven Vertovec: "Superdiversity and social complexity"</span>

Steven Vertovec’s talk “Superdiversity and social complexity” was held at the “Living with diversities. Cultures and new complexities” conference by the Fondazione Intercultura in Florence, April 4-6 2024. This is an excerpt from the original video by the Fondazione Intercultura, which can be found here: more

Miteinander. Über das Zusammenleben in einer gespaltenen Welt

Wir leben zunehmend in sozialen Blasen und errichten Mauern, um uns mit Gleichgesinnten zu umgeben. So aber entgeht uns die Chance auf eine bessere, solidarischere Welt, findet der Sozialanthropologe Farhan Samanani. more



Video November 06, 2022

Globalisierung bedeutet Mobilität und Freizügigkeit, weltweit. Ein Irrtum, sagt der Soziologe Steffen Mau. In seinem Buch „Sortiermaschinen“ (C.H. Beck 2022, nominiert für den Deutschen Sachbuchpreis) legt er offen, dass Grenzen im Zeitalter der Globalisierung zu machtvollen Sortiermaschinen umgebaut wurden. more

Book Launch for Inhabiting Displacement: Architecture and Authorship

Presented by editors Shahd Seethaler-Wari, Somayeh Chitchian and Maja Momić. more

Die postmigrantische Gesellschaft

Die postmigrantische Gesellschaft

Video November 01, 2021

Naika Foroutan zeigt: Der Umgang mit Migration hat viel mit unserem Verhältnis zu Differenz, Hybridität und Ambiguität zu tun. more

Decolonizing Lived Citizenship: Lessons from the Blockades

Public Keynote Lecture by Peter Nyers (McMaster University) more

<strong>Institutional and Non-Institutional Participation: Substitution or Complementarity?</strong>

Public Keynote Lecture by Marco Giugni (University of Geneva) more

The Social Production of our Moral Indifference

Public Lecture by Nasar Meer (University of Edinburgh) more

Shifting Borders in the Time of COVID-19

In ihrem Buch „The Shifting Border: Legal Cartographies of Migration and Mobility“ (Manchester University Press 2020) analysiert Ayelet Shachar die Rückkehr der Grenzen und ihre radikale Transformation. more

Humanitarian Presents and Palestinian Refugee Presence

Public Keynote Lecture by Ilana Feldman (George Washington University, Washington, USA) more

Climate Change and Migration - Pathways to Sustainability

Inhouse discussion organized by the Ethics, Law and Politics Department.  more

10 June 2020

Steven Vertovec (MPI-MMG): “Urban Diversity, Diversification and Complexity"
Keynote Lecture at the Twentieth International Conference on "Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations", University of Milan, Italy, 10-12 June 2020 more

Scapegoating in times of Corona

Scapegoating in times of Corona

Video May 07, 2020

DWnews TV Interview with Steven Vertovec, conducted by Anchor Brent Goff more

22 January 2020

Hiroshi Motomura (UCLA, Los Angeles):
“The Current State of Immigration Law and Policy in the United States" more

23 December 2019

Irfan Ahmad: "Critique & Islam"
Keynote Lecture by Irfan Ahmad at the 2019 Postcolonial Studies Association of the Global South (PSAGS) Annual Conference and Meeting on “Postcolonial Unreason: Nation, Calibanization and Silences”
Date: Saturday, December 21, 2019
Location: Netaji Subhas Open University, Salt Lake, Kolkata Campus more

4 December 2019

Jaclyn L. Neo (National University of Singapore):
“Managing Religious Diversity: The Law of ‘Religious Harmony’ " more

19 November 2019

Franck Düvell (German Institute for Integration and Migration Research, Berlin):
"Quo vadis, migration studies? Towards a migratory epistemology. A critical reflection of the conventional concepts used in migration studies. A critical reflection of the conventional concepts" more

13 November 2019

Tamar de Waal (University of Amsterdam):
"Conditional Belonging" more

6 November 2019

Philip Gorski (Yale University · Lichtenberg Kolleg:
"Goodbye Tocqueville? Christianity and Democracy in Trump’s America" more

Show more
Climate Change and Migration - Pathways to Sustainability

Inhouse discussion organized by the Ethics, Law and Politics Department.  more

"Translanguaging and repertoires across signed and spoken languages" ∙ Day 2

Symposium organized by Annelies Kusters (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Ethnic and Religious Diversity) more

"Translanguaging and repertoires across signed and spoken languages" ∙ Day 1

Symposium organized by Annelies Kusters (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Ethnic and Religious Diversity) more



Video October 22, 2024

Im Gespräch mit dem Journalisten Georg Dietz spricht Steven Vertovec, Direktor des Göttinger Max-Planck-Instituts zur Erforschung multiethnischer und multireligiöser Gesellschaften, über sein Buch „Superdiversität“ (Suhrkamp Verlag 2024). Der Begriff, den der Göttinger Forscher geprägt hat, hilft zu verstehen, wie es zu den zunehmenden Diversifizierungsprozessen in modernen Gesellschaften kommt. Migration spielt dabei eine zentrale Rolle. Das Gespräch wird in englischer Sprache geführt. more

<span>Steven Vertovec: "Superdiversity and social complexity"</span>

Steven Vertovec’s talk “Superdiversity and social complexity” was held at the “Living with diversities. Cultures and new complexities” conference by the Fondazione Intercultura in Florence, April 4-6 2024. This is an excerpt from the original video by the Fondazione Intercultura, which can be found here: more

Miteinander. Über das Zusammenleben in einer gespaltenen Welt

Wir leben zunehmend in sozialen Blasen und errichten Mauern, um uns mit Gleichgesinnten zu umgeben. So aber entgeht uns die Chance auf eine bessere, solidarischere Welt, findet der Sozialanthropologe Farhan Samanani. more



Video November 06, 2022

Globalisierung bedeutet Mobilität und Freizügigkeit, weltweit. Ein Irrtum, sagt der Soziologe Steffen Mau. In seinem Buch „Sortiermaschinen“ (C.H. Beck 2022, nominiert für den Deutschen Sachbuchpreis) legt er offen, dass Grenzen im Zeitalter der Globalisierung zu machtvollen Sortiermaschinen umgebaut wurden. more

Book Launch for Inhabiting Displacement: Architecture and Authorship

Presented by editors Shahd Seethaler-Wari, Somayeh Chitchian and Maja Momić. more

Die postmigrantische Gesellschaft

Die postmigrantische Gesellschaft

Video November 01, 2021

Naika Foroutan zeigt: Der Umgang mit Migration hat viel mit unserem Verhältnis zu Differenz, Hybridität und Ambiguität zu tun. more

Decolonizing Lived Citizenship: Lessons from the Blockades

Public Keynote Lecture by Peter Nyers (McMaster University) more

<strong>Institutional and Non-Institutional Participation: Substitution or Complementarity?</strong>

Public Keynote Lecture by Marco Giugni (University of Geneva) more

The Social Production of our Moral Indifference

Public Lecture by Nasar Meer (University of Edinburgh) more

Shifting Borders in the Time of COVID-19

In ihrem Buch „The Shifting Border: Legal Cartographies of Migration and Mobility“ (Manchester University Press 2020) analysiert Ayelet Shachar die Rückkehr der Grenzen und ihre radikale Transformation. more

Humanitarian Presents and Palestinian Refugee Presence

Public Keynote Lecture by Ilana Feldman (George Washington University, Washington, USA) more

10 June 2020

Steven Vertovec (MPI-MMG): “Urban Diversity, Diversification and Complexity"
Keynote Lecture at the Twentieth International Conference on "Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations", University of Milan, Italy, 10-12 June 2020 more

Scapegoating in times of Corona

Scapegoating in times of Corona

Video May 07, 2020

DWnews TV Interview with Steven Vertovec, conducted by Anchor Brent Goff more

23 December 2019

Irfan Ahmad: "Critique & Islam"
Keynote Lecture by Irfan Ahmad at the 2019 Postcolonial Studies Association of the Global South (PSAGS) Annual Conference and Meeting on “Postcolonial Unreason: Nation, Calibanization and Silences”
Date: Saturday, December 21, 2019
Location: Netaji Subhas Open University, Salt Lake, Kolkata Campus more

Interview with Loretta Baldassar (University of Western Australia)

conducted by the Max Planck Research Group "Ageing in a Time of Mobility"
Professor Loretta Baldassar is a migration scholar and researcher with interests in transnational families, the social uses of new technologies, ageing, youth and caring across distance. She is the Deputy Head of School (Community Engagement) for the School of Social Sciences. more

6 November 2018

Steven Vertovec (MPI-MMG):
“Dynamics in the Public Understanding of Diversity” more

1 November 2018

Steven Vertovec (MPI-MMG), Dan Hiebert (University of British Columbia), Alan Gamlen (Monash University) and Paul Spoonley (Massey University):
“Visualizing Urban Superdiversity” more

From the Local to the Global: The Roles of Local Faith Communities in Refugee Situations in the Global South

Public Keynote Lecture by Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (University College London) at the Conference “Welcoming Refugees: The Role of Religion”, organized by the Department of Ethics, Law and Politics at the MPI-MMG

Interview with Diane Moore (Harvard University)

Conducted by Hans Leaman on the occasion of the Conference “Welcoming Refugees: The Role of Religion” more

Interview with Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (University College London)

Conducted by Benjamin Boudou on the occasion of the Conference “Welcoming Refugees: The Role of Religion” more

Show more
22 January 2020

Hiroshi Motomura (UCLA, Los Angeles):
“The Current State of Immigration Law and Policy in the United States" more

4 December 2019

Jaclyn L. Neo (National University of Singapore):
“Managing Religious Diversity: The Law of ‘Religious Harmony’ " more

19 November 2019

Franck Düvell (German Institute for Integration and Migration Research, Berlin):
"Quo vadis, migration studies? Towards a migratory epistemology. A critical reflection of the conventional concepts used in migration studies. A critical reflection of the conventional concepts" more

13 November 2019

Tamar de Waal (University of Amsterdam):
"Conditional Belonging" more

6 November 2019

Philip Gorski (Yale University · Lichtenberg Kolleg:
"Goodbye Tocqueville? Christianity and Democracy in Trump’s America" more

14 June 2019

Phillippe Van Parijs (University of Louvain):
“Is it really solidarity that we Europeans need?”

12 April 2019

Deborah Cowen (University of Toronto):
“Imprints of Empire: Border Infrastructures and the Landscape of Jurisdiction”

27 February 2019

Andreas Reckwitz (Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder):
"Hyperculture and cultural essentialism: Two modes of culturalization in late modernity" more

25 January 2019

Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi (Barnard College Columbia University):
"Decoloniality in the Camp & the University"
Romola Sanyal (LSE, London):
“Unsettling Architectural Narratives of Refuge: From Camps to Cities" more

17 January 2019

Hiroshi Motomura (UCLA, Los Angeles):
“The New Migration Law: A Roadmap for an Uncertain Future” more

23 October 2018

Sarah Lamb (Brandeis University):
"Ageing and Mobility: Care, Generations, and Citizenship beyond the Views of the West" more

12 October 2018

12 October 2018

October 12, 2018

Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (UCL):
"From the Local to the Global: The Roles of Local Faith Communities in Refugee Situations in the Global South” more

8 June 2018

Kenneth Dean (Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore): "The transmission of Chinese civilizational techniques to Southeast Asia ... more

18 May 2018

Christine Langenfeld (Göttingen) and Holger Kolb (Berlin): "Legal Limits: On the Shrinking Relevance ... more

1 March 2018

Andrew Selee (Migration Policy Institute): “Vanishing frontiers: the blurring of the US-Mexico border" more

15 February 2018

Pamela E. Klassen (University of Toronto): “Telepathy, empire, and public memory" more

13 July 2017

Ben Kaplan (University College London): "The Legal Rights of Religious Refugees in the ... more

22 March 2017

Sara Wallace Goodman (University of California, Irvine): “Tolerance at what Cost? ... more

18 October 2016

Christian Joppke (University of Bern): “Legal Multiculturalism: Comparing Gays and Muslims” more

22 June 2016

Anne Phillips (London School of Economics): “The Politics of the Human” more

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