International Day Against Racism

On the occasion of the International Weeks against #Racism, leading up to the International Day for the Elimination of #RacialDiscrimination on March 21, we are posting some references to thematically relevant contributions that have emerged from our researchers @mpimmg.

Isaac, M., & Elrick, J. (2021). How COVID-19 may alleviate the multiple marginalization of racialized migrant workers. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(5), 851–863.

This article shows how many low skilled migrant workers in the agricultural & care work sectors in countries of the Global North experience marginalization due to their overlapping social positions of #race, #gender, ascribed #SkillLevel, & #LegalStatus. It argues that the COVID-19 pandemic promoted a revaluation of the legal statuses of “essential” migrant workers & thereby represented a small step toward reducing their marginalization.

Schönwälder, K. (2004). Why Germany’s guestworkers were largely Europeans: The selective principles of post-war labour recruitment policy. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 27(2), 248–265. doi:10.1080/0141987042000177324

This article shows how Germany practiced a racist immigration policy in the post-war period. In spite of massive labor recruitment in the 1950s to the 1970s , workers from from Africa & Asia, including Black European citizens, were not welcome and actively excluded. Germany would today be an even more plural society had this not been the case.

Rau, V. (2024). Philosemitismus. In P. Ullrich, S. Arnold, A. Danilina, K. Holz, U. Jensen, I. Seidel, et al. (Eds.), Was ist Antisemitismus? Begriffe und Definitionen von Judenfeindschaft (pp. 57-62 ). Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. doi:10.5771/9783835386587-57

The book "Was ist Antisemitismus" explores the complex phenomenon of antisemitism by approaching it from its various definitions. By doing so, it also illuminates the overlaps with #racism & depicts why #antisemitism is but a very specific form of racism.

Dekel Peretz on “Jewish-Muslim relations in Germany”
European perceptions of #Jews & #Muslim tainted by #antisemitism & #AntiMuslimRacism have historically shaped European identities & are continuing to do so in the present. With the ongoing Israel-Gaza war, racist & antisemitic codes shaping European discourses on Muslims & Jews enforcing exclusive Christian-European identities have become overt & are rapidly gaining social acceptability. This research shows how cultural & political alliances between Jews & Muslims in everyday life strengthen & promote autonomous narratives highlighting the diversity and complexity of Muslim & Jewish perspectives while challenging the monolithic Othering of “the Jew” & “the Muslim” as well as the racialized religious classification at its core.   

Lanari, E. (2023). Latina M(other)work against racism: living with legal precarity in suburban Atlanta. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 46(2), 316-337. doi:10.1080/01419870.2022.2110382

This article follows Latina mothers in suburban Atlanta as they grapple with intersecting forms of #racism & #exclusion, including #segregation of their children in underfunded schools, discourses stereotyping them as uneducated parents, & everyday racialization as undocumented migrants. In spite of these experiences, the women derived a sense of empowerment from becoming involved in their children’s schooling, & sought to transform schools into counter-spaces of sanctuary & community support.

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