News & Updates 2024

Science goes City. “Super diversity” in New York. Social complexity of a megacity - at Lichtkultur (Theaterstrasse 3)
May 2024
Alexei Matveev and Norbert Winnige present interactive visualizations which make the social diversity of a megacity visible and tangible. more
Superdiversity and social complexity thinking
May 2024
Talk by Steven Vertovec on May 15 at 8:15 pm at “Krawall”, Geismarlandstraße 19, 37083, Göttingen. Information about the event and ticket sales can be found here. more
Steven Vertovec interviewed by Zeit Online
April 2024
Following the publication of Superdiversität in Germany by Suhrkamp, Xifan Yang interviews Steven Verovec. We live in the age of superdiversity. Our societies are much more socially complex than politicians often think. (in German) more
International Day Against Racism
March 2024
On the occasion of the International Weeks against #Racism, leading up to the 
International Day for the Elimination of #RacialDiscrimination on March 21, we are posting some references to thematically relevant contributions that have emerged from our researchers @mpimmg. more
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