News & Updates 2021

Podcast “What do Germans think about diversity (in German)”
July 2021 presenter Lara-Lena Gödde spoke with Karen Schönwälder about diversity in the podcast "Ach, Mensch!". Karen Schönwälder examines how far acceptance in society really goes and straightens such a crooked picture. „Ach, Mensch!“ Is a cooperation with the Max Planck Society. more
Youtube-Video "Diversity, 'diversity' and the social organization of difference"
July 2021
Keynote by Steven Vertovec at the Conference ‘Studying Diversity after the Reflexive Turn’, Tübingen 7-9 July 2021 more
Roundtable „Zugehörigkeit als Staatsziel? Ethik und Politik der Integration“
June 2021
(in German) Roundtable of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster on June 29, 2021. On the podium, the sociologist Dr. Asligül Aysel and the philosopher Dr. Matthias Hoesch from the Cluster of Excellence with political scientist Prof. Dr. Karen Schönwälder (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity) and the legal scholar Daniel Thym (University of Konstanz). On the basis of current developments in integration policy, they discussed the standards by which this should be based. more
New Podcast Series
May 2021
The City show is a podcast about complexity and how people live and adapt to life in fast-changing cities across Africa, Latin America and Asia. It's made by Dhashen Moddley, Tau Tavengwa, Freddie Boswell, Michael Rahfaldt, and Jo Jackson. It's a collaboration between Cityscapes Magazine, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity and African Centre for Cities. It's a Cityscapes/Radio Workshop production. Music by 23rd Parallel. more
Religious Ethics and Plural Sites of Entanglement
April 2021
Workshop on April 22, 16.00-18.00 CET Engaging with the “ethical turn” in the anthropology of religion, this workshop panel examines multiple sites of entanglements between politics and religious ethics. more
"Refugees and Religion" book launch
April 2021
hosted by SPUI25, Amsterdam The editors and authors Peter van der Veer, Abdoulaye Sounaye, Tam T.T. Ngo, Birgit Meyer and Arjun Appadurai will discuss the issue of religion from a broader, comparative and historical perspective, understanding religious refugees as an integral part of the modern world. more
“Superdiversity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices”
March 2021 The webinar was held on March 3rd, 2021 at 3pm CET by Prof. Steven Vertovec (MPI-MMG), Prof. Elina Lehtomaki (University of Oulu) and Prof. Sabine Severiens (Erasmus University Rotterdam). more
Rethinking Markets in Modern India: Embedded Exchange and Contested Jurisdiction
February 2021 An interview with A. Gandhi and S. Schwecke, conducted by Saronik Basu, New Books Network NBN. more
Irfan Ahmad on Islam today
January 2021 Los Angeles Review of Books publishes review essay by Mustafa Akyol on Irfan Ahmad's book Religion as Critique. more
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