Articles by GlobaldiverCities Researchers
Aptekar, S.: Citizenship status and patterns of inequality in the United States and Canada. Social science quarterly 95 (2), pp. 343 - 359 (2014)
Aptekar, S.: Immigration and customs enforcement. In: The making of modern immigration: an encyclopedia of people and ideas, pp. 305 - 320 (Ed. Hayes, P.). ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, Calif. (2012)
Aptekar, S.: Naturalization ceremonies and the role of immigrants in the American nation. Citizenship Studies 16 (7), pp. 937 - 952 (2012)
Cieslik, A.: Transnational mobility and family building decisions: A case study of skilled Polish migrant women in the UK. In: The International Handbook on Gender, Migration and Transnationalism, pp. 453 - 470 (Eds. Oso, L.; Ribas-Mateos, N.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham (2013)
Kathiravelu, L.: Social networks in Dubai: informal solidarities in an uncaring state. Journal of Intercultural Studies 33 (1), pp. 103 - 119 (2012)
Matshedisho, R.: Policing in the streets of South African townships. In: New South African Review 2: New Paths, Old Compromises?, pp. 221 - 235 (Eds. Pillay, D.; Daniel, J.; Naidoo, P.; Southall, R.). Wits University Press, Johannesburg (2011)
Wafer, A.: Discourses of infrastructure and citizenship in post-apartheid Soweto. Urban forum 23 (2), pp. 233 - 234 (2012)
Wafer, A.; Bénit-Gbaffou, C.; Fourchard, L.: Local politics and the circulation of community security initiatives in Johannesburg. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 36 (5), pp. 936 - 957 (2012)
Ye, J.; Kelly, P. F.: Cosmopolitanism at work: Labour market exclusion in Singapore's financial sector. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 37 (5), pp. 691 - 707 (2011)
Ye, J.: Labour recruitment and its class and gender intersections: a comparative analysis of workers in Singapore’s segmented labour force. Geoforum 51, pp. 183 - 190 (2014)
Ye, J.: Migrant landscapes: a spatial analysis of South Asian male migrants in Singapore. In: Changing landscapes of Singapore, pp. 142 - 157 (Eds. Ho, E. L.-E.; Woon, C. Y.; Ramdas, K.). NUS Press, Singapore (2013)
Ye, J.: Migrant masculinities: Bangladeshi men in Singapore’s labour force. Gender, Place and Culture 21 (8), pp. 1012 - 1028 (2014)
Working Papers by GlobaldiverCities Researchers
Cieslik, A.: Transnational mobility and family planning decisions: a case study of skilled Polish migrant women. MMG Working Paper (12-14) (2012), 26 pp.
Kathiravelu, L.: Friendship and the urban encounter:towards a research agenda. MMG Working Paper (13-10) (2013), 19 pp.
Vertovec, S.: Migration and new diversities in global cities: comparatively conceiving, observing and visualizing diversification in urban public spaces. MMG Working Paper (11-08) (2011), 32 pp.
Ye, J.: Labour recruitment practices and its class implications: comparing workers in Singapore’s segmented labour market. MMG Working Paper (13-14) (2013), 28 pp.
Ye, J.: Working men: Bangladeshi migrants in the global labour force. MMG Working Paper (12-13) (2012), 26 pp.