Contribution to a Collected edition (56)

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Arnaut, K., Karrebæk, M. S., & Spotti, M. (2017). Engaging superdiversity: The poiesis-infrastructure nexus and language practices in combinatorial spaces. In K. Arnaut, M. S. Karrebæk, M. Spotti, & J. Blommaert (Eds.), Engaging superdiversity: Recombining spaces, times and language practices (pp. 3–24). Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Retrieved from
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Biehl, K. S. (2017). Inclusive exclusion? The regulation and experience of citizenship in a space of irregular migration in Istanbul. In R. G. Gonzales & N. Sigona (Eds.), Within and beyond citizenship: borders, membership and belonging. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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Biehl, K. S. (2017). Spaces of inclusion or exception? The experience and regulation of citizenship in a space of irregularity in Istanbul. In R. G. Gonzales & N. Sigona (Eds.), Within and beyond citizenship. Borders, membership and belonging. London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Burchardt, M. (2017). Gesundheitspolitik in Südafrika: Demokratisierung, Transnationalisierung und Klientelismus. In D. de la Fontaine, F. Müller, C. Hofmann, & B. Leubolt (Eds.), Das politische System Südafrikas (pp. 429–448). Heidelberg: Springer.
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Burchardt, M. (2017). Die Grenzen der Toleranz: Wie Christen die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe bekämpfen. In K. Sammet, F. Benthaus-Apel, & C. Gärtner (Eds.), Religion und Geschlechterordnungen (pp. 135–153). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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Burchardt, M. (2017). Infrastrukturen des Religiösen: Materialität und urbane Ordnungsregime. In U. Karstein & T. Schmidt-Lux (Eds.), Architekturen und Artefakte: Zur Materialität des Religiösen (pp. 233–250). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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Burchardt, M. (2017). Is religious indifference bad for secularism? Lessons from Canada. In J. Quack & C. Schuh (Eds.), Religious indifference: New perspectives from studies on secularization and nonreligion (pp. 83–99). Heidelberg: Springer.
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Burchardt, M. (2017). Pentecostal productions of locality: Urban risks and spiritual protection in Cape Town. In D. Garbin & A. Strhan (Eds.), Religion and the global city (pp. 78–94). New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Retrieved from
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Burchardt, M., & Kirn, G. (2017). Beyond neoliberalism? Social analysis after 1989. In M. Burchardt & G. Kirn (Eds.), Beyond neoliberalism: Social analysis after 1989 (pp. 1–14). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Carabelli, G., & Lubbock, R. (2017). Neoliberalising Mostar: Governmentality, ethno-national division and everyday forms of resistance. In J. Louth & M. Potter (Eds.), Edges of identity: The production of neoliberal subjectivities (pp. 230–253). Chester: University of Chester Press. Retrieved from
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de Vries, B. (2017). Multiculturalism and temporary migrant workers. In A. Triandafyllidou (Ed.), Multicultural Governance in a Mobile World (pp. 265–282). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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Debele, S. B. (2017). Females’ subversive interventions in the religious field in Ethiopia. In I. B. Tøllefsen & C. Giudice (Eds.), Female Leaders in New Religious Movements (pp. 189–209). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Debele, S. B. (2017). Contested heritage. The ‘coul-touristic’ turn in the celebration of Irreecha ritual in Ethiopia. In M. C. Green, R. I. J. Hackett, L. D. Hansen, & F. Venter (Eds.), Religious pluralism, heritage and social development in Africa. Matieland: African Sun Media. Retrieved from
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Gandhi, A. (2017). A fractured globe: Anthropology and narration after 1989. In M. Burchardt & G. Kirn (Eds.), Beyond neoliberalism: Social analysis after 1989 (pp. 69–81). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Hirschl, R. (2017). From comparative constitutional law to comparative constitutional studies. In M. Tushnet (Ed.), Comparative Constitutional Law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved from
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Hirschl, R. (2017). The question of case selection in comparative constitutional law. In M. Tushnet (Ed.), Comparative Constitutional Law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved from
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Hirschl, R. (2017). The question of case selection in comparative constitutional law. In M. Adams (Ed.), Comparative Law Methodology. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved from
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Hirschl, R. (2017). Towards juristocracy: The origins and consequences of the new constitutionalism. In J. T. Dickovick & J. Eastwood (Eds.), Comparative politics: classic and contemporary readings (pp. 143–152). New York: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
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Hirschl, R., Jung, C., & Rosevear, E. (2017). Economic and social rights in national constitutions. In M. Tushnet (Ed.), Comparative constitutional law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved from
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Kam, L. (2017). Artistic activism as essential threshold from the 'peaceful, rational, non-violence' demonstrations towards revolution: social actions in Hong Kong in the pre-umbrella movement era. In J. Luger & J. Ren (Eds.), Art and the city: worlding the discussion through a critical artscape (pp. 115–127). London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Retrieved from
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Koenig, M. (2017). Zur andauernden Aktualität des Durkheimianischen Forschungsprogramms. In H.-P. Müller & S. Sigmund (Eds.), Theoriegeschichte in systematischer Absicht: Wolfgang Schluchters "Grundlegungen der Soziologie" in der Diskussion (pp. 75–88). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. Retrieved from
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Kusters, A., & O’Brien, D. (2017). Visual methods in deaf studies: Using photography and filmmaking in research with deaf people. In A. Kusters, M. De Meulder, & D. O’Brien (Eds.), Innovations in deaf studies: The role of deaf scholars (pp. 265–296). New York: Oxford Universiyt Press. Retrieved from
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Kusters, A., O’Brien, D., & De Meulder, M. (2017). Innovations in deaf studies: Critically mapping the Field. In A. Kusters, M. De Meulder, & D. O’Brien (Eds.), Innovations in deaf studies: The role of deaf scholars (pp. 7–52). New York: Oxford Universiyt Press. Retrieved from
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Ladwig, P. (2017). Buddhism in contemporary Laos: Ruptured histories. In M. Jerryson (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of contemporary Buddhism (pp. 274–295). New York: Oxford University Press.
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Ladwig, P. (2017). Mimetic theories, representation, and “Savages”: Critiques of the enlightenment and modernity through the lens of primitive mimesis. In C. Forberg & P. Stockhammer (Eds.), The transformative power of the copy: a transcultural and interdisciplinary approach (pp. 37–66). Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing.
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Ladwig, P. (2017). ‘Special operation pagoda’. Buddhism, covert operations and the politics of religious subversion in Cold War Laos. In V. Bouté & V. Pholsena (Eds.), Changing Lives in Laos: Society, Politics and Culture in a Post-Socialist State (pp. 81–108). Singapore: Singapore University Press. Retrieved from
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Lam, T., & Yeoh, B. S. A. (2017). Postcolonial migration and social diversity in Singapore. In J. Leckie, A. McCarthy, & A. Wanhalla (Eds.), Migrant cross-cultural encounters in Asia and the Pacific (pp. 151–166). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Lam, T., Yeoh, B. S. A., Huang, S., & Celero, J. (2017). Growing up in transnational families: children’s experiences and perspectives. In G. Liu-Farrer & B. S. A. Yeoh (Eds.), Routledge handbook of Asian migrations (Vol. eng, pp. 250–263). London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, Retrieved from
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Lang, C. (2017). Von ‚typischen‘ und ‚untypischen‘ Einwanderungsbezirken: Migrationsbedingte Vielfalt und die Interkulturelle Öffnung lokaler Verwaltungen in Berlin. In M. Barbehön & S. Münch (Eds.), Variationen des Städtischen - Variationen lokaler Politik (pp. 351–373). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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Lang, C., & Schneider, J. (2017). Von Kreuzberg nach Tempelhof: Räumliche und soziale Mobilität bei Nachkommen von Eingewanderten aus der Türkei in Berlin. In T. Geisen, C. Riegel, & E. Yildiz (Eds.), Migration, Stadt und Urbanität: Perspektiven auf die Heterogenität migrantischer Lebenswelten (pp. 237–258). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
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Lengen, S. (2017). Beyond the conceptual framework of oppression and resistance: Creativity, religion and the Internet in China. In S. Travagnin (Ed.), Religion and media in China: Insights and case studies from the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong (pp. 19–34). New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Ma, Z. (2017). 西双版纳的少数民族治理和发展——作为商人的阿卡和傣族胶农 (=Governing minorities and development in Xishuangbanna, China: Akha and Dai rubber farmers as entrepreneurs). In D. Smyer Yu & Z. Li (Eds.), 环喜马拉雅区域研究编译文集之一——环境、生境、文化 (=Environment, Niche and Culture: Translation Collection of Trans-Himalaya Studies). Beijing: Xueyuan Publish House. Retrieved from
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Martínez Ariño, J. (2017). Rupture ou normalisation? L’institutionnalisation du Judaïsme diversifié en Espagne. In E. Tartakowsky & M. Dimentstein (Eds.), Juifs d'Europe: Identités plurielles et mixité (pp. 83–94). Tours: Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais. Retrieved from
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Martínez Ariño, J. (2017). Spain. Important changes in religious landscape and public policy. In J. Nelis, C. Sägesser, & J.-P. Schreiber (Eds.), Religion and secularism in the European Union. State of affairs and current debates (pp. 175–179). Bern: Peter Lang. Retrieved from
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Martínez Ariño, J., & Griera, M. (2017). The accommodation of religious diversity in prisons and hospitals in Spain. In F. C. Gonzalez & G. D'Amato (Eds.), Multireligious society: dealing with religious diversity in theory and practice (pp. 251–266). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Masoudi Nejad, R. (2017). The ritual and built initiatives of the Iranians in Bombay. In G. Vom Bruck & C. Tripp (Eds.), Precarious belonging: Being Shi’i in non-Shi’i worlds (pp. 61–126). London: CASS. Retrieved from
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Moutselos, M., & Mavrodi, G. (2017). Immobility in times of crisis? The case of Greece. In J.-M. Lafleur & M. Stanek (Eds.), South-North migration of EU citizens in times of crisis (pp. 33–48). Springer Open.
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Rexhepi, P. (2017). Macedonia. In O. Scharbrodt, S. Akgönül, A. Alibašić, J. S. Nielsen, & E. Račius (Eds.), Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Volume 8 (pp. 441–455). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
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Rexhepi, P. (2017). Borders. In Z. Sardar (Ed.), Relations (p. 234). London: Hurst. Retrieved from
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Rexhepi, P. (2017). The politics of (post)socialist sexuality: American foreign policy in Bosnia and Kosovo. In D. Jelaca, M. Kolanović, & D. Lugarić (Eds.), The cultural life of capitalism in Yugoslavia (pp. 243–261). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Rexhepi, P. (2017). Unmapping Islam in Eastern Europe periodization and Muslim subjectivities in the Balkans. In I. Kacandes & Y. Komska (Eds.), Eastern Europe unmapped: beyond borders and peripheries (pp. 53–78). New York: Berghahn Books. Retrieved from
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Roberts, N. (2017). Transformation and the suffering subject: Caste/Class and gender in slum pentecostal discourse. In S. Anandhi & K. Kapadia (Eds.), Dalit women: Vanguard of an alternative politics in India (pp. 279–304). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Schlegel, S., Lutz, P., & Egli, S. (2017). Regulierte Offenheit. In P. Lutz (Ed.), Neuland: Schweizer Migrationspolitik im 21. Jahrhundert (pp. 133–162). Zürich: NZZ Libro. Retrieved from
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Schmalz, D. (2017). Global Responsibility sharing and the production of superfluity in the context of refugee protection. In S. Salomon, L. Heschl, G. Oberleitner, & W. Benedek (Eds.), Blurring boundaries: human security and forced migration (pp. 23–47). Leiden: Brill. 10.1163/9789004326873_003
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Shachar, A. (2017). Citizenship for sale? In A. Shachar, R. Bauböck, I. Bloemraad, & M. Vink (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of citizenship (pp. 789–816). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Shachar, A., Bauböck, R., Bloemraad, I., & Vink, M. (2017). Introduction: Citizenship - quo vadis? In A. Shachar, R. Bauböck, I. Bloemraad, & M. Vink (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of citizenship (pp. 3–14). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Shachar, A., & Hirschl, R. (2017). The new wall of separation: permitting diversity, restricting competition. In M. Tushnet (Ed.), Comparative Constitutional Law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved from
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Smyer Yu, D. (2017). Asia: An indigenous cosmovisionary turn in the study of religion and ecology. In W. J. Jenkins, M. E. Tucker, & J. Grim (Eds.), Routledge handbook of religion and ecology (pp. 120–128). London: Routledge.
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Stasik, M. (2017). Alltagsspektakel am Straßenrand: Körpertechniken von Busausrufern in Accra, Ghana. In M. Verne, P. Ivanov, & M. Treiber (Eds.), Körper Technik Wissen: Kreativität und Aneignungsprozesse in Afrika. In den Spuren Kurt Becks (pp. 405–417). Münster: LIT Verlag. Retrieved from
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Stasik, M., Beck, K., & Klaeger, G. (2017). An introduction to the African road. In M. Stasik, K. Beck, & G. Klaeger (Eds.), The Making of the African Road (pp. 1–23). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
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Udupa, S. (2017). 'The Future as news': Astrology and mediated religion in global Bangalore. In D. Garbin & A. Strhan (Eds.), Religion and the global city (pp. 97–115). New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Retrieved from
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van den Brink, M. (2017). The origins and the potential federalising effects of the substance of rights test. In D. Kochenov (Ed.), EU Citizenship and Federalism: The Role of Rights (pp. 85–106). Cambridge University Press.
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van der Veer, P. (2017). Urban planning and secular atheism in Shanghai, Beijing, and Singapore. In D. Garbin & A. Strhan (Eds.), Religion and the global city (pp. 47–61). New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Retrieved from
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van der Veer, P. (2017). Spirituality: East and West. In E. Schenini (Ed.), On the paths of enlightenment. The myth of India in western culture 1808-2017 (pp. 30–39). Milano: Skira. Retrieved from
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White, C. (2017). Sacred dwellings: Protestant ancestral halls and homes in southern Fujian. In Z. Yangwen (Ed.), Sinicizing Christianity (pp. 235–262). Leiden: Brill. Retrieved from
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White, C. (2017). Christian celebrations and protestant identity in late Qing and early republican Minnan. In K. K. Lee & Y.-cheung Lau (Eds.), 聲教廣披: 華南方言族羣與基督教 (pp. 79–102). Retrieved from
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