Contribution to a Collected edition (57)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Ahmad, I. (2019). Introduction: democracy and the algebra of warfare-welfare. In I. Ahmad & P. Kanungo (Eds.), The algebra of warfare-welfare. A long view of India's 2014 election (pp. 1–54). New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
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Ahmad, I. (2019). Democracy as rumour: media, religion, and the 2014 Indian elections. In I. Ahmad & P. Kanungo (Eds.), The algebra of warfare-welfare. A long view of India's 2014 election (pp. 55–90). New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
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Ahmad, I. (2019). Unity in diversity: democracy and manifestos in the 2014 Indian elections. In I. Ahmad & P. Kanungo (Eds.), The algebra of warfare-welfare. A long view of India's 2014 election (pp. 309–333). New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
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Ahmad, I. (2019). Foreword: On writing history. In Mediating Islam and modernity: Sir Sayyid, Iqbal and Azad (pp. vi-xiii). New Delhi: Viva Books. Retrieved from
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Aragón, B. M. (2019). Dual Role or Duplicitous researcher? Emotions and ethical dilemmas of doing anthropology «at home». In E. A. Agís & S. F. Garrido (Eds.), Autoetnografías, cuerpos y emociones (I): Perspectivas metodológicas en la investigación en salud (pp. 165–180). Tarragona: Publicacions URV. Retrieved from
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Arnaut, K., Meeus, B., & Heur, B. van. (2019). Migration and the infrastructural politics of urban arrival. In B. Meeus, K. Arnaut, & B. van Heur (Eds.), Arrival infrastructures: migration and urban social mobilities (pp. 1–32). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Baykara-Krumme, H. (2019). Migration und Familie. In A. Röder & D. Zifonun (Eds.), Handbuch Migrationssoziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Binaisa, N. (2019). Lagos: negotiating urban mobilities in an age of mobile telephony. In A. F. Mendy & E. P. Eyebiy (Eds.), Mobilités, circulations et frontières: Migrations, mobilités et développement en Afrique Tome 1 (Vol. 1, pp. 137–151). Daraja Press. Retrieved from
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Carabelli, G. (2019). Edible memories: Habsburg imperial cities and their sustained coffee-culture. In M. Jahreis & N. Möllers (Eds.), Kosmos Kaffee (pp. 58–62). München: Deutsches Museum. Retrieved from
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Chan, F. H.-H. (2019). Claiming ordinary space in the "cosmopolitan grid": the case of Singapore. In T. Banerjee & A. Loukaitou-Sideris (Eds.), The new companion to urban design (pp. 110–121). London: Routledge.
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Cheng, Y. (2019). “Sing to the Lord a new song”: The development and influence of Minnan hymns. In C. White (Ed. &Amp; Tran.), Protestantism in Xiamen: Then and Now (pp. 165–192). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Chiu, T.-L. (2019). The roles of secular states in the development of contemporary Chinese Buddhism: A cross-strait perspective on Buddhist Nunneries. In P. van der Veer & K. Dean (Eds.), The secular in South, East, and Southeast Asia (pp. 165–189). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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de Vries, B. (2019). Are civic integration tests justifiable? A three-step test. In A. Lever & A. Poama (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Ethics and Public Policy (pp. 407–421). London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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Dean, K. (2019). Spirit mediums and secular / religious divides in Singapore. In P. van der Veer & K. Dean (Eds.), The Secular in South, East, and Southeast Asia (pp. 51–81). Cha: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Dean, K. (2019). Whose orders? Chinese popular God temple networks and the rise of Chinese Mahayana Buddhist monasteries in Southeast Asia. In R. M. Feener & A. M. Blackburn (Eds.), Buddhist and Islamic orders in southern Asia: comparative perspectives (pp. 99–124). Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press. Retrieved from
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Dean, K. (2019). Incorporating historical GIS in fieldwork on Chinese culture and religion. In T. D. DuBois & J. Kiely (Eds.), Fieldwork in modern Chinese history: a research guide (pp. 144–158). London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Retrieved from
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Dean, K. Historical GIS and the study of Southeast China and the Southeast Asian Chinese diapora. In J. Wu (Ed.), Historical GIS in Chinese studies. Indianapolis: University of Indiana Press. Retrieved from
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Diao, Y. Producing gospel sounds: Lisu media Evangelism and religious change in Mainland Southeast Asia. In L. Ó Briain & M. Y. Ong (Eds.), Sounded communities: Music, media, and technology in the Asia Pacific. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. Retrieved from
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Hirschl, R. (2019). Comparative methodologies. In R. Masterman & R. Schütze (Eds.), The Cambridge companion to comparative constitutional law (pp. 11–39). Cambridge University Press.
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Hirschl, R., & Mertens, J. (2019). Interdisziplinarität als Bereicherung: An den Grenzen von Verfassungsrecht und vergleichender Politikwissenschaft. In J. Münch & A. Thiele (Eds.), Verfassungsrecht im Widerstreit: Gedächtnisschrift für Werner Heun (1953-2017) (pp. 105–124). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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Hirschl, R., Rosevear, E., & Jung, C. (2019). Justiciable and aspirational economic and social rights in national constitutions. In K. G. Young (Ed.), The future of economic and social rights (pp. 37–65). Cambridge University Press.
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Hudson, A., & Elkins, Z. (2019). The constitutional referendum in historical perspective. In D. Landau & H. Lerner (Eds.), Comparative constitution making (pp. 142–164). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
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Kam, L. W. M. (2019). Underneath the Grand Yellow Imperial Roofs of Martyrs' Shrines: Taiwan's colonial past, present and onwards, and the political symbolism at play. In X. He (Ed.), Yellow book: a project by He Xiangyu (pp. 225–246). Berlin: Hatje Cantz. Retrieved from
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Koenig, M. (2019). Contentieux religieux, politique judiciaire et gouvernance de la diversité religieuse. In I. Becci, C. Monnot, & O. Voirol (Eds.), Pluralisme et reconnaissance. Face à la diversité religieuse (pp. 107–120). Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. Retrieved from
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Koenig, M. (2019). Religion et identités nationales – reconfigurations dans l’Europe contemporaine. In J. Baubérot, P. Portier, & J.-P. Willaime (Eds.), La sécularisation en question: religios et lai͏̈cités au prisme des sciences sociales (pp. 675–688). Paris: Classiques Garnier. Retrieved from
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Koenig, M. (2019). Charles Taylor: A secular age (2007). In C. Gärtner & G. Pickel (Eds.), Schlüsselwerke der Religionssoziologie. Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (pp. 605–612). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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Lam, T. (2019). Young women and girls left behind. Causes and consequences. In Supporting Brighter Futures. Young women and girls and labour migration in South-East Asia and the Pacific (pp. 11–28). Geneva: International Organization of Migration. Retrieved from
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Lam, T., Yeoh, B. S. A., Yen, K. C., & Baey, G. (2019). The day off policy , ‘reverse domestication’, and emotional labour among Indonesian domestic workers in Singapore. In M. Baas (Ed.), The Asian Migrant's Body. Emotion, Gender and Sexuality (pp. 89–108). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Liu, J. (2019). The passing of glory: urban development, local politics and christianity on Gulangyu. In C. White (Ed.), Protestantism in Xiamen: Then and now (pp. 77–101). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Mahadev, N. (2019). Secularism and religious modernity in Sri Lanka and Singapore: Trans-regional revivalism considered. In P. van der Veer & K. Dean (Eds.), The secular in South, East, and Southeast Asia (pp. 287–311). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Masoudi Nejad, R. (2019). Pilgrimage to a ritual: The fluid geogrpahy of the Bohras’ Muharram. In P. Eshaghi & B. Rahimi (Eds.), Muslim pilgrimage in the modern world (pp. 240–258). Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Retrieved from
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Ngo, T. T. T. (2019). The Uncle Hồ Religion in Vietnam. In P. van der Veer & K. Dean (Eds.), The secular in South, East, and Southeast Asia (pp. 215–237). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Punathil, S. (2019). Development, marginality, and ‘contested space’ in South India. In D. N. Pathak & A. K. Das (Eds.), Investigating developmentalism: notions of development in the social sphere (pp. 163–181). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from
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Rau, V. (2019). Turning the Kaleidoscope and pluralism inside-out: the case of Berlin’s Jewish scene. In J. Fahy & S. Everett, J.-J. Bock (Ed.), Emergent religious pluralisms (pp. 195–221). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature.
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Rexhepi, P. (2019). Bektashism as a model and metaphor for Balkan Islam. In O. Scharbrodt & Y. Shanneik (Eds.), Shia minorities in the contemporary world: migration, transnationalism and multilocality. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Retrieved from
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Schader, M. (2019). Total spontan? „Krisen"bearbeitung in der lokalen Aufnahme Geflüchteter. In A. Bresselau von Bressensdorf (Ed.), Über Grenzen: Migration und Flucht in globaler Perspektive seit 1945 (pp. 381–396). Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht.
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Schiller, M. (2019). The local governance of immigrant integration in Europe: the state of the art and a conceptual model for future research. In T. Caponio, P. Scholten, & R. Zapata-Barrero (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of the governance of migration and diversity in cities (pp. 204–215). London: Routledge. Retrieved from
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Schlegel, S. (2019). A ‘basket of goods approach’ as an alternative to strict legal distinctions between migrants and refugees. In R. Bauböck, C. Reinprecht, & W. Sievers (Eds.), Flucht und Asyl: internationale und österreichische Perspektiven. Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press. Retrieved from
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Schlegel, S., & Rochel, J. (2019). Migration: Quelle der Freiheit, Labor der Repression. In J.-D. Strub (Ed.), Freiheit: Grundwert in Bedrängnis (pp. 131–143). Baden, Schweiz: Hier und Jetzt Verlag. Retrieved from
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Simone, A. M. (2019). The politics of increments in collective urban action. In R. Padawangi (Ed.), Routledge of Handbook of Urbanisation in Southeast Asia (pp. 64–74). London: Routledge.
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Simone, A. M. (2019). Relational economies. In A. M. Orum (Ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia on Urban and Regional Studies. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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Simone, A. M. (2019). On hold. In R. Burdett & P. Rode (Eds.), Shaping Cities in an Urban Age. London: Phaidon. Retrieved from
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Sobhy, H. (2019). al-ta'lim al-qadim wal-ta'lim al-jadid fi Misr: Siyasat al-ta'lim qabl al-jami'i wa atharaha 'ala al-'adala al-ijtima'ya [Old education and new education in Egypt: Pre-university education policies and their impact on social justice]. In M. al-Agati & M. ElAgati (Eds.), Al-Siyasat al-'Amma wal-'Adala al-Ijtima'ya fi Misr = Public Policies and Social Justice in Egypt (pp. 11–45). Kairo: Dar Al Maraya for Cultural Production. Retrieved from
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Tayob, S. (2019). Molecular Halal: producing, debating, and evading Halal certification in South Africa. In K. Dmitriev, J. Hauser, & B. Orfali (Eds.), Insatiable appetite: food as cultural signifier in the Middle East and beyond. Leiden: Brill.
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Udupa, S. (2019). Clash of actors: nation-talk and middle class politics on online media. In A. Punathambekar & S. Mohan (Eds.), Global Digital Cultures: Perspectives from South Asia (pp. 223–244). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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van den Brink, M. (2019). The promises and drawbacks of EU citizenship for a polycentric Union. In J. van Zeben & A. Bobić (Eds.), Polycentricity in the European Union (pp. 163–185). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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van den Brink, M. (2019). The problem with market citizenship and the beauty of free movement. In F. Amtenbrink, G. Davies, D. Kochenov, & J. Lindeboom (Eds.), The Internal Market and the Future of European Integration. Essays in Honour of Laurence W. Gormley (pp. 246–258). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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van der Veer, P. (2019). The secular in India and China. In P. van der Veer & K. Dean (Eds.), The Secular in South, East, and Southeast Asia (pp. 37–50). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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van der Veer, P., & Dean, K. (2019). Introduction. In P. van der Veer & K. Dean (Eds.), The secular in South, East, and Southeast Asia (pp. 1–12). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Vertovec, S. (2019). Epilogue: what’s the matter with Rotterdam? In P. Scholten, M. Crul, & P. van de Laar (Eds.), Coming to terms with superdiversity: the case of Rotterdam (pp. 237–241). Basel: Springer International Publishing.
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Vevaina, L. (2019). Adjudicating the sacred: The fates of “Native” religious endowments in India and Hong Kong. In P. van der Veer & K. Dean (Eds.), The secular in South, East, and Southeast Asia (pp. 261–285). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Walton, J. F. (2019). Metrosophy: Rereading Walter Benjamin in light of religion after religion. In K. GhaneaBassiri & P. Robertson (Eds.), All religion is inter-religion: engaging the work of Steven M. Wasserstrom (pp. 57–64). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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Wang, X. (2019). “Folk Belief,” cultural turn of secular governance and shifting religious landscape in contemporary China. In P. van der Veer & K. Dean (Eds.), The secular in South, East, and Southeast Asia (pp. 137–164). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Weinbach, C. (2019). Systemtheorie: geschlechtliche Gleichheit und Diskriminierung in der funktional differenzierten Gesellschaft. In B. Kortendiek, B. Riegraf, & K. Sabisch (Eds.), Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung (pp. 359–368). Wiesbaden: Springer.
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White, C. (2019). Introduction: Xiamen protestantism over the years. In C. White (Ed.), Protestantism in Xiamen: then and now (pp. 1–26). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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White, C. (2019). Xinjie church and christianity as chinese cultural heritage. In C. White (Ed.), Protestantism in Xiamen: Then and Now (pp. 27–48). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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White, C. (2019). The Haicang voice: Modernity, cultural continuity and the spirit world in a 1920s chinese church. In C. White (Ed.), Protestantism in Xiamen: Then and Now (pp. 103–139). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
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