The “Diversity and Contact” (DIVCON) survey 2010 - Technical report

by Sören Petermann, Joe Heywood, Miles Hewstone, Jörg Hüttermann, Katharina Schmid, Thomas Schmitt, Karen Schönwälder, Dietlind Stolle, Steven Vertovec, together with TNS Emnid

Working Papers WP 12-21
October 2012
ISSN 2192-2357 (MMG Working Papers Print)

Full text: pdf       Short version without appendices: pdf


The „Diversity and Contact“ (DivCon) project investigates the consequences of diversity on social interactions between individuals with and without migration background and on selected attitudes. The main empirical component of this project is a survey conducted in neighbourhoods of German cities. This technical report is about the first wave of a longitudinal survey with about 2,500 respondents. The report outlines the sample design of the entire study, the survey implementation, a test of representativeness, and information about themes and operationalisations of the questionnaire.

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