Speaker: Helena Hof (MPI-MMG)

Helena Hof: “Deviant Innovators? Foreign Entrepreneurs in Tokyo’s Startup Ecosystem”

Helena Hof is one of the Presenters at the VSJF Conference 2022 "Deviance and Norms in Times of Change in Japan", 18-20 November 2022. [more]
Helena Hof is one of the Presenters at the Workshop “Researching Whiteness in a Transnational Pandemic Context”, 1-2 December 2022. [more]

Helena Hof

The XX ISA World Congress of Sociology will focus on how sociologists worldwide can (and do) contribute to the understanding of the resurgent authoritarianism and analyze the new entanglements of religions, politics, and economies. It will also focus on how sociologists engage (physically and critically) in the formidable social movements we are witnessing today in different parts of the world and in a renascent civil society. [more]
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