Home tagpages Spain The judicial politics of ‘burqa bans’ in Belgium and Spain – Socio-legal field dynamics and the standardization of justificatory repertoires Belgium Burqa diversity face veil judicialization law religion Spain WP 17-10 • Marian Burchardt (mpi-mmg), Zeynep Yanasmayan (MPI for Social Anthropology), Matthias Koenig (University of Goettingen) more Beyond the separation of church and state: explaining the new governance of religious diversity in Spain Catholic Church church-state model governance religious diversity religious minorities soft-power policies Spain WP 14-08 • Mar Griera, Julia Martínez-Ariño and Gloria García-Romeral more How and why does it matter to understand diverse urban engagements from the migrants’ perspective? WP 14-03 • Tilmann Heil more Fragile convivialities: everyday living together in two stateless but diverse regions, Catalonia and Casamance WP 12-18 • Tilmann Heil more