Mira Seyfettinoglu, 2020-2021

Curriculum Vitae

Mira Seyfettinoglu was from 2020-2021 a pre-doctoral fellow at the Department of Ethics, Law and Politics headed by Ayelet Shachar. In 2020, Mira graduated from the MSc Research Master in European Studies at Maastricht University. During her masters, she has been the research assistant of Maarten Vink in the European Research Council Project, “Migrant Life Course and Legal Status Transition”. In 2018, Mira completed her BA in European Studies at Maastricht University, including a semester abroad at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. During her time in Vancouver, she interned at the German Consulate General’s Press, Cultural and Economic Affairs Unit. Mira is an alumna of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes).

In her pre-doctoral fellowship, Mira worked on the instrumentalisation of citizenship with a special emphasis on the worldwide sale of citizenship, so-called Citizenship-by-Investment Programmes. She conducted an empirical-comparative study on the global trends and determinants of these Citizenship-by-Investment programmes. Mira is thus well trained in comparative citizenship studies and both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Research projects

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