Dr. Magdalena Nowicka, 2010-2013
Curriculum Vitae
Magdalena Nowicka is now Professor at Humboldt University, Berlin.
Magdalena Nowicka holds a BA in international relations from the University of Warsaw, Poland (1999), an MA in cultural studies from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland (2001) and a summa cum laude doctoral degree in sociology from the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (2005). She was awarded a scholarship from the Bavarian Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts for postgraduate studies in sociology in 2001/2002 and a German Sociological Association (DFG) postdoctoral scholarship for conducting research on Polish-German transnational migration at the University of Bamberg (2005/2007). She has lectured at the Institute of Sociology at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich since 2006.
She is the author of a number of scholarly articles and book chapters on mobility, cosmopolitanism, spatial relations and European integration. Dr. Nowicka´s current interests include transnational migration to Germany and the UK, mobility of professionals and educational migrants, entrepreneurship of migrants, sociology of space, sociology of modernization and globalization, issues of ethnicity and identity, European Union and qualitative methodology in social sciences.
Work in Progress:
- Transnacjonalizm (Transnationalism), [book, forthcoming in Poland]
- Researching Migrants as Migrant Researcher [journal special issue]
- Comparing Convivialities [journal special issue]
- (Un)covered bodies. Women talk about their pregnancies [journal and book contribution, with Eva Tolasch-Marzan (LMU Munich)]
- Cultural capital and deskilling in migration [various journal articles]
Research projects:
- The Ashgate companion to cosmopolitanism (completed) (with Maria Rovisco, York St. John University)