InCoLaS Workshop "Language and inequality in the age of superdiversity"
Workshops, conferences 2017
- Beginn: 11.01.2017 09:30
- Ende: 12.01.2017 15:30
- Ort: MPI-MMG, Goettingen
- Raum: Library Hall

- by invitation only - Official and institutional responses to linguistic diversity play a significant part in establishing (andmaintaining) close links between linguistic repertoires, social hierarchies, prestige and stigma. Whilethere is no reason to assume that the sociolinguistic landscapes of globalised societies are less unequalthan before, it is clear that we need suitable ways of seeing and conceptualizing the (perhapsincreasingly complex) relationships between social hierarchization, identification, linguistic practices andmetadiscursive regimes. This workshop will contribute to developing such conceptualizations throughan intensive discussion of existing conceptualizations of social inequalities across disciplines and theirintersection with language. The aim is to understand the intersections of social stratifica-tion and culturaland linguistic categorization in an age of (linguistic) superdiversity and to contribute to the developmentof an analytical framework for these intersections.
For more details please contact esser(at)
Wednesday, 11 January 2017
09:30 Welcome remarks
09:45-11:15 Session 1: General discussion
• What do we mean when we talk about social inequalities?
• How do we conceptualize the relationship between language and social inequalities?
Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Session 2: Presentations + discussions of case studies
Annelies Kusters: “Customer interactions between deaf and hearing Mumbaikars”
Louise Eley: “Signage and ground-level symbolic power in a Frankfurt neighbourhood in transition”
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Session 3: Presentations + discussions of case studies
Lian Malai Madsen and Thomas Rørbeck Nørreby: “The symbolic organization of languages at a high prestige school”
Susanne Becker: “Language and asylum in Germany - Linguicism, commodification of language and linguistic rights”
Coffee break
16:00-17:30 Open Keynote James Collins: Registers and Racialization in South Africa
Thursday, 12 January 2017
09:30-10:45 Session 1: General discussion
• (How) Do we have to rethink social inequalities in an age of superdiversity?
• (How) Do we have to rethink the nexus of language and social inequalities in an age of superdiversity?
Coffee break
11:00-12:30 Session 2: Conceptualizing a position paper
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Session 3: Organizational issues
Coffee break
15:15-15:30 Closing remarks
- Guidetti, Giovanni / Rehbein, Boike (2014): Theoretical Approaches to Inequality in Economics and Sociology. A Preliminary Assessment, in: Transcience 5.
- Collins, James (2014): Literacy practices, linguistic anthropology and social inequality.
- Philips, Susan U. (2004): Language and Social Inequality. In: Duranti, Alessandro (Hrsg.). A companion
to linguistic anthropology, Malden, MA, p. 474–495. - Bourdieu, Pierre (1989): Social Space and Symbolic Power, in: Sociological Theory 7, p. 14-25
- Madsen, Lian Malai (2013): “High” and “low” in urban Danish speech styles, in: Language in Society
42, S. 115–138. - Extra, Guus / Spotti, Massimiliano / van Avermaet, Piet (2009): Language testing, migration, and
citizenship. Cross-national perspectives on integration regimes, London, p.3-33 - Jacquemet, Marco (2005): Transidiomatic practices. Language and power in the age of glob-alization,
in: Language & Communication 25, S. 257–277. - Friedman, Jonathan (Hrsg.) (2003): Globalizing Languages. Ideologies and Realities of the
Contemporary Global System, New Jersey.