"Migration, Citizenship, and Democracy: Contemporary Ethical Challenges"
Workshops, conferences 2017
- Beginn: 23.08.2017
- Ende: 25.08.2017
- Ort: WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Reichpietschufer 50, 10785 Berlin

For more details please contact recke(at)mmg.mpg.de.
August 23rd, 2017
16.00 Arrival at WZB / Berlin Social Science Center
16.30 – 17.00 Welcoming remarks
Alex Aleinikoff (The New School), LiavOrgad (EUI/WZB/IDC),
Ayelet Shachar (Max-Planck-Institute)
17.00 -18.30 Keynote Speech Stefan Gosepath (Freie Universität Berlin)
“Moral and Political Duties to Aid Refugees”
19.00 Dinner (at Van Loon Restaurant Boat)
August 24th, 2017
9.00 Welcome Coffee
9.30 – 12:15 Panel 1 / Global Migration and Justice
- Alexander Aleinikoff (The New School)
- Sarah Fine (King’s College London)
- Matthias Risse (Harvard University)
- Caleb Yong (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
- Bernd Ladwig (Freie Universität)
- Dana Schmalz (Max-Planck-Institute)
12.15 – 13.30 Lunch Break (at Seminaris Campus Hotel)
13.30 – 16.15 Panel 2/ Global Migration Governance
- Tomer Perry (Harvard University)
- Alexander Aleinikoff (The New School)
- Liav Orgad (EUI/WZB/IDC)
- Ayelet Shachar (Max-Planck-Institute)
- Andreas Cassee (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Christoph Möllers (Humboldt Universität Berlin)
16.15 – 16.45 Coffee Break
16.45 – 18.15 Panel 3/ Immigrant Integration and Education
- Liav Orgad (EUI/WZB/IDC)
- Christian Joppke (University of Bern)
- Sara Goodman Wallace (University of California, Irvine (UCI))
- Ruth Ditlmann (WZB Berlin)
- Marc Helbling (University of Bamberg/WZB Berlin)
20.00 Dinner (at Alter Krug Dahlem)
August 25rd, 2017
9.00 Welcome Coffee
9.30 – 12.00 Panel 4/ Membership and Belonging in Transition
- Ayelet Shachar (Max-Planck-Institute)
- Rainer Bauböck (EUI Florence)
- Tomer Perry (Harvard University)
- Peter Schuck (Yale University)
- Matthias Kumm (WZB Berlin/NYU)
- Stefan Schlegel (Max-Planck-Institute)
12.00 – 14.00 Closing Remarks & Lunch (at Seminaris Campus Hotel)