"The Law and Political Economy of Citizenship"

Workshops, conferences 2019

  • Datum: 08.11.2019
  • Ort: Einstein Hall, Jägerstraße 22/23, 10117 Berlin
  • Raum: Academy building
"The Law and Political Economy of Citizenship"
A joint event of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and Humanities (BBAW), the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance and the Max Planck Institute for Religious and Ethnic Diversity.

For more details please contact adomeit(at)mmg.mpg.de.

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International mobility in a globalized world is changing the meaning and concept of citizen-ship. Citizenship was a central bond between the individual and his or her nation, was typically ac-quired by birth, and was the point of reference for a number of mutual rights, obligations and allegiance. Mobility provides opportunities but also challenges for this concept. To analyze this change and its implications, lawyers and eco-nomists from two Max Planck Institutes in con-junction with the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and Humanities are organizing the symposium “The Law and Political Economy of Citizenship”.

The event will bring together scholars from various disciplines such as law, political econo-my, and philosophy to present and discuss their work on the topic and exchange their research results and views.

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