"Transnationalism, Gender, Evangelism and Power in African Initiated Churches in Nigeria and its Diaspora"
Open Lectures Spring 2016
- Datum: 03.03.2016
- Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 16:00
- Vortragende: Mojúbàolú Olufúnké Okome (City University of New York)
- Mojúbàolú Olufúnké Okome is Professor of Political Science, Brooklyn College, The City University of New York, United States. Her research interests include: Diaspora studies and contemporary African immigration; globalization and gender relations with a focus on Africa within the world economy; gender, politics and governance; Sub-Saharan African political economy, democratization and economic liberalization.
- Ort: MPI-MMG, Hermann-Föge-Weg 11, Göttingen
- Raum: Library Hall

For more details please contact buethe(at)mmg.mpg.de.
This project focuses on the Aladura (prayerful ones) Churches among the African Initiated Churches founded in Yorubaland in Southwestern Nigeria, to challenge missionary marginalization of the new Christians in the early 20th century. Aladuras are now transnational. Propelled by the explosion of Christianity on the African continent, particularly the blossoming of the African Initiated Churches throughout the 20th century, transnational Nigerian congregations have become a recognizable phenomenon in the global religious landscape. The talk will identify factors that foster or deter women’s leadership and their consequences. It will explicate how women conceive of their role and the consequences for politics, the Church as a religious community and society at large.