"Religion and Ethnicity in the Social Structure of the Caribbean"

Institute Colloquium Series "Intersections of Religion and Ethnicity" Winter 2011/12

  • Datum: 08.12.2011
  • Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 15:30
  • Vortragender: Colin Clarke (University of Oxford)
  • Professor Colin Clarke is an Emeritus Professor at Oxford University and an Emeritus Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford. He has taught at the Universities of Toronto and Liverpool, where he was, until 1981, Reader in Geography and Latin American Studies. He has carried out numerous field investigations in Mexico and the Caribbean and published 12 books and more than 100 research papers and chapters.
  • Ort: MPI-MMG, Hermann-Föge-Weg 11, Göttingen
  • Raum: Library Hall
"Religion and Ethnicity in the Social Structure of the Caribbean"

For more details please contact buethe(at)mmg.mpg.de.

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