Workshops, conferences 2013
- Beginn: 02.12.2013 09:00
- Ende: 06.12.2013 17:00
- Ort: Johannesburg, South Africa

For more details please contact esser(at)mmg.mpg.de.
This workshop arises from a recognition that newly arrived migrants and immigrants across the continent typically occupy worlds weakly structured by laws and official institutions. Rather than state policies and formal politics, the meaning and means of integration are often determined by highly localised social processes and power structures. Underlying migrants’ incorporation or exclusion are varied ethics of hospitality and political calculation and community ideals.
Through an interactive three day workshop in Johannesburg, this initiative will develop comparative insights from across Africa and situate findings within global empirical and scholarly trends. Selected papers from the workshop will contribute to an edited volume examining the dynamics of integration across the case studies.