"New Perspectives on Public Space: Emotion, Infrastructure and Mobility"

Workshops, conferences 2012

  • Beginn: 25.06.2012 09:45
  • Ende: 26.06.2012 12:45
  • Ort: The Graduate Center, City University of New York
  • Raum: Room 6304.01 (6th floor in Psychology Space)
"New Perspectives on Public Space: Emotion, Infrastructure and Mobility"
Jointly organised by the ERC GlobalDivercities Project (MPI-MMG) and CUNY Graduate Center.

For more details please contact esser(at)mmg.mpg.de.

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The intention of the workshop is to invite the GlobalDiver-cities postdoctoral researchers to think about their sites substantively and to reflect on new perspectives by way of discussing their preliminary findings; conversely, doctoral students from the Graduate Center will add different con-texts and theoretical formulations to the discussion. The morning and early afternoon of the first will be organized as three panels made up of three people-- two post docs from different GlobalDivercities sites and one of the public space working group students. Each panel will have 1 and ½ hours to present 20 minute papers on the topic followed by a discussion by one of the participating guest faculty. At the conclusion of the panels the NYC team will take us on a brief visit to the GlobalDivercities poroject fieldsite. On the second day, we will reverse the process and have the fac-ulty present their current research with a focus on method-ology and alternative theoretical frameworks. There would be only one session with faculty papers and all student dis-cussants.

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