"The Here and Now in Forced Migration: Everyday Intimacies, Imaginaries and Bureaucracies" "

Workshops, conferences 2020

  • Beginn: 21.10.2020
  • Ende: 23.10.2020
  • Ort: Zoom Meeting
"The <i>Here and Now</i> in Forced Migration: Everyday Intimacies, Imaginaries and Bureaucracies"		 				"
An international workshop organised by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity

Please click here to link directly to the event website.

This workshop draws attention to the here and now in forced migration contexts. While a focus on the present can never be separated from the past and future of migrants’ memories, nostalgias, hopes and dreams, we recognise an analytical value that lies in this temporal idiom.

For more details please contact thehereandnow2020@gmail.com.

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