"Multimodal Ethnography and Digital Curating in the Research on Ageing"

Events 2023

  • Datum: 24.04.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 11:00 - 13:00
  • Ort: Online Event
"Multimodal Ethnography and Digital Curating in the Research on Ageing"
On 24th April 2023, Megha Amrith, Victoria Kumala Sakti and Nele Wolter participated at a virtual roundtable discussion on ‘Multimodal Ethnography and Digital Curating in the Research on Ageing’ organized by the Age and Generations Network (AGENET), a registered network of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA).

The discussion was moderated by Swetlana Torno and involved the anthropologist and designer Alvaro Martinez, who visualized the ‘Ageing in a Time of Mobility’ project website. For more information on the event and to watch the webinar recording, visit https://ageneteasa.org/agenet-webinar-multimodal-ethnography-and-digital-curating-in-the-research-on-ageing-and-the-life-course/.

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