Home Large Projects Diversity Assent in Urban Germany (DivA) The project team Prof. Dr. Karen Schönwälder Tel.: +49 551 4956 - 129schoenwaelder@mmg.mpg.de Dr. Lucas Drouhot from 2018 to 2021 at the Institute, now at Utrecht University Eloisa Harris from 2021 to 2023 at the Institute, now at LIVES, the Swiss Centre of Expertise in Life Course Research, Lausanne Dr. Nicolas Fliess +49 (551) 4956 - 223fliess@mmg.mpg.de Prof. Dr. Sören Petermann Professor for Urban Sociology at the Ruhr University Bochum Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Steven Vertovec +49 (551) 4956 - 126vertovec@mmg.mpg.de