Abgeschlossene Projekte
Constitutional referenda (completed) (Alex Hudson)
Copied text in constitutions (completed) (Alex Hudson)
Effects of public participation in constitution making (completed) (Alex Hudson)
On the legal implications of a ‘permanent’ constituent power (completed) (Mariana Velasco Rivera and Joel Colón-Ríos)
The political sources of amendment difficulty: a comparative study of the United States and Mexico (completed) (Mariana Velasco Rivera)
Religion-infused narratives of membership in an age of political populism (completed) (Ran Hirschl)
The sound of constitutional silence: urbanization, megacities, and the urban/rural divide (completed) (Ran Hirschl)
Spatial statism (completed) (Ayelet Shachar and Ran Hirschl)
Who belongs? National (but not international) judicialized mega-politics (completed) (Ran Hirschl)