"Ageing across Borders: Care, Generations, Citizenship"
Workshops, conferences 2018
- Beginn: 23.10.2018 09:00
- Ende: 24.10.2018 19:00
- Ort: MPI-MMG, Goettingen
- Raum: Library Hall

For more details please contact menster(at)mmg.mpg.de.
Tuesday, 23 October
09.00 Arrival
09.15-10.00 Welcome Remarks by Steven Vertovec (Managing Director, MPI-MMG)
Introduction to the ‘Ageing in a Time of Mobility’ Research Group by Megha Amrith (Research Group Leader, MPI-MMG)
10.00-11.15 Keynote Lecture 1 by Russell King (University of Sussex): "Unpacking the Ageing-Migration Nexus"
11.15-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-13.10 Panel 1 – Care, Belonging and the Lifecourse
Chair: Victoria K. Sakti (MPI-MMG)
- Ageing, Mobility and Relations of Care: First Generation Migrants in Austria
Monika Palmberger (University of Vienna/KU Leuven) - Ageing Among Italian Migrants: A Transnational Life Course Perspective
Elisabetta Zontini (University of Nottingham) - Affective Lives in Vietnamese Berlin: Ageing and Belonging over the Life-Course
Anita von Poser (Freie Universität Berlin)
13.10-14.00 Lunch Break
14.00-15.15 Keynote Lecture 2 by Sarah Lamb (Brandeis University): "Ageing and Mobility: Care, Generations, and Citizenship beyond the Views of the West"
15.15-15.30 Coffee Break
15.30-17.30 Panel 2 – Care, Generations and Kinship
Chair: Dora Sampaio (MPI-MMG)
- Connected Care: Everyday ICTs in Elderly Care Provision Among Indian Transnational Families
Tanja Ahlin (University of Amsterdam) - Competing Interests, Spatial Disruptions and Moral Dilemmas: Intergenerational Care in Rural-Urban Labour Migrant Families in China
Anni Kajanus (University of Helsinki) - Solidarity and Sacrifice: Grandmothers and Transnational Caregiving
Kristin Yarris (University of Oregon) - Becoming a Nurse: Migration, Care, and Generational Relations and Transformation in the Central Philippines
Resto Cruz (University of Manchester)
19.00 Dinner (for workshop participants)
Wednesday, 24 October
09.30-11.00 Panel 3 – Perceptions, Aspirations and Shifting Social Roles
Chair: Victoria K. Sakti (MPI-MMG)
- “Maybe This Generation Doesn’t Like the Elderly”: How Outmigration Affects the Situation of Older People in Mountain Villages of Western Nepal
Sarah Speck (University of Zurich) - The Transformation of Communities through Emigration: Care Provision, Inter-Ethnic Relations and the Agency of Older People ‘Left Behind’
Elisabeth Schröder-Butterfill (University of Southampton) - ”Taking Care Of” versus “Keep to Your Own Business”: Kinshasa’s Elderly Negotiating Opposing Social Dictums
Katrien Pype (KU Leuven)
11.00-11.15 Coffee Break
11.15-13.10 Panel 4 – Citizenship, Livelihoods, Politics
Chair: Nele Wolter (MPI-MMG)
- We Built this City: Mobilities, Urban Livelihoods and Social Infrastructure in the Lives of Elderly Ghanaians
James Esson (Loughborough University) - Political Ageing: Materialities, Bureaucracies and Voice
Aija Lulle (Loughborough University) - Windrush and Broken Promises from the Motherland: Generation, Citizenship, Abjection
Sweta Rajan-Rankin (University of Kent)
13.10-14.00 Lunch Break
14.00-15.15 Wrap-up discussion and next steps
Chair: Megha Amrith (MPI-MMG)
19.00 Dinner (for workshop participants)