"Religion and Nationalism"
Workshops, conferences 2019
- Beginn: 17.06.2019
- Ende: 18.06.2019
- Ort: Drift 21, Utrecht
- Raum: Sweelinckzaal

Conference at Utrecht University
For more details please contact vdvoffice(at)mmg.mpg.de.
8:30-9:00 Welcome and coffee
9:00-9:20 Irfan Ahmad (MMG-MPG): “The oeuvre of Peter van der Veer: a preliminary outline”
JUNE 17, 2019
9:20-10:20 Panel 1
- Stefan Binder (University of Göttingen): “On the ‘impossibility’ of atheism in Secular India”
- Marieke Bloembergen (KITLV and Leiden University): “All along the hippie trail, and back in time. Moral geographies of Greater India in Indonesia across decolonization”
- Sana Ghazi (MPI-MMG): “Ganga-Jamni tehzeeb (The confluence of cultural ‘rivers’): islamicate, syncretism, nationalism”
- Mangalika de Silva (New York University): “Of what borders the border: autochthony and the diaporas of the dead, the missing and bereaved in postwar Sri Lanka”
10:20-10:35 Comment by Peter van Rooden (UvA)
10:35-11:50 Panel 2
- Jingyang Yu (MPI-MMG): “Become Christian to remain Chinese”
- Susan Legêne (Vrije Universiteit): “Anti-slavery discourse and early 19th century transnational views on states, nations and citizens”
- PL de Silva (Institute of Strategic Studies and Democracy (ISSD) Malta): “Cultivation of hatred”
- Oskar Verkaaik (University of Amsterdam): “The relevance of historical anthropology”
- Kamenko Bulić (University of Amsterdam): “The corruption of the language and the demise of the state: on Yugoslav common language and post-Yugoslav national languages”
11:50-12:05 Comment by Birgit Meyer (UU)
12:05 –12:45 Lunch break
12:45-13:45 Panel 3
- Mahmoud Alinejad (Australian Government): “The rivalry of secular and religious nationalisms and the split in Iranian national identity”
- Miriyam Aouragh (University of Amsterdam /University of Westminster): “Married to the cause - love as resistance in Morocco”
- Matthijs van den Bos (Birkbeck College): “The promised land of Fadak: locating religious nationalism in Shiite politics”
- Shaheed Tayob (University of Stellenbosch): “Race, animals and religion: a case of sacrifice, violence and public space in South Africa”
13:45-14:00 Comment by Peter Pels (Leiden University)
14:00-15:15 Panel 4
- Jie Kang (MPI-MMG): “Nationalism and Chinese Christianity: from anti-Imperialism to Islamophobia”
- Jeroen de Kloet (University of Amsterdam / CUC): “Rising, becoming, overcoding – On Chinese nationalism in Wandering Earth and Operation Red Sea”
- Samuel Lengen (University of Virginia): “Digital imaginaries and the Chinese nation-state”
- Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner (University of Sussex): “International competition and nationalism in the Life Science”
- He Xiao (Fudan University): “Moral labor, nationalism, and the state in contemporary China”
15:15-15:30 Comment by Peter van der Veer
16:15-17:00 Peter van der Veer’s farewell lecture“Transitions: Refugees and Religion”
17:00-18:30 Reception
18:30 Dinner
(Lecture, reception and dinner take place at the Aula of the Utrecht University, Domplein 29)
JUNE 18, 2019
9:30-10:30 Meeting for Publication Plan