Chinese religious networks in China and Southeast Asia (2016-2021)
Secularism and Asian religions (2016-2021)
Migrants and refugees (2017-2021)
Death and violence (2018-2021)
Indian and Chinese religious networks in South-East Asia
Cross-border religious and ethnic development between South-West China and South-East Asia
Asian Diasporas
Religious networks in a globalizing world (completed)
Urban aspirations in Mumbai
Urban aspirations in Seoul: Religion and megacities in comparative studies (2012-2017, completed)
Urban aspirations in Shanghai (completed)
Urban aspirations in Singapore (completed)
Individual projects
Chinese religious networks in China and Southeast Asia (2016-2021)
Chinese Christian community and network in Germany (Jie Kang)
Chinese spirit-medium cults in Southeast Asia (completed) (Fabian Graham)
Christian tourism and its global connectedness (completed) (Jie Kang)
Converting Muslim – Missionary movement of Chinese Protestant House Church (Jie Kang)
Dying and diaspora: the faith and finance of death rituals (completed) (Leilah Vevaina)
The effects on ethnic minorities of the opening up of Southwest China to Southeast Asia (completed) (Naomi Hellmann)
Enduring links and new connections in the Malaysian Indian diaspora: class, caste, and transnationalism (completed) (Sudheesh Bhasi)
Faith of our fathers: commemorating Christian heritage in China (completed) (Chris White)
Home to the (post-)colonial deities: the transforming colonial Shinto shrines in post-colonial Taiwan and the ideological engineering(s) in motion (completed) (Wing Man Liza, Kam)
Itineraries of religious arrival and revival: multi-ethnic religious spaces in Sri Lanka and Singapore (completed) (Neena Mahadev)
Negotiating rituals in contemporary Vietnam (completed) (Paul Sorrentino)
Of faith and fortune: Parsi philanthropic networks between Bombay-Mumbai and Hong Kong (completed) (Leilah Vevaina)
Theravada Buddhism in Xishuangbanna and its connections in the Upper-Mekong Region (completed) (Zhen Ma)
Secularism and Asian religions (2016-2021)
Binary dreams: creative success and failure in Beijing’s internet industry (completed) (Samuel Lengen)
Disciplinary history: Indian anthropology/sociology, nationalism, and religion (completed) (Irfan Ahmad)
Islam as a lived tradition: ethical constellations of Muslim food practice in Mumbai (completed) (Shaheed Tayo)
Muslims and/in Indian democracy (completed) (Irfan Ahmad)
Religion, marginality, and addiction in Northern Thailand (completed) (Sophorntavy Vorng)
Remaking selves: narratives of young Muslim women in Mumbai (completed) (Sana Ghazi)
Sidestepping secularism: performance and imagination in Buddhist temples in contemporary China (completed) (Yang Shen)
Tantric alchemy (completed) (Arpita Roy)
Trading piety: the ritual economy of sutra chanting in southeast China (completed) (Jiazhi Fengjiang)
Transformation of religion and society in China under Mao and its contemporary legacies (completed) (Xiaoxuan Wang)
What might an anthropology of terrorism look like? (completed) (Irfan Ahmad)
Yuhuazhai movement: moral cultivation and the invention of ‘traditional Chinese culture’ (completed) (Jiazhi Fengjiang)
Migrants and refugees (2017-2021)
Dis/trusted partners: local Mosque activism during the German refugee crisis (completed) (Arndt Emmerich)
‘Legality first’: moral practices and negotiation of moral values during migration in Germany (completed) (Mai Thi Thanh Nga)
‘Migrant illegality’ and Bengali-speaking Muslims in the Assam State of Northeast India, South Asia (completed) (Salah Punathil)
Mother tongue: international negotiations over language and identity among Chinese immigrants in Berlin (completed) (Jingyang Yu)
North-South by East-West (completed) (Peter van der Veer, Tam Ngo)
‘Refugee’ in the making: movements and practices in and between Nigeria and the Netherlands (completed) (Yining Chen)
Refugees and religion (completed) (Peter van der Veer)
Death and violence (2018-2021)
Exhumining violent histories (completed) (Nicole Iturriaga)
The formation of Afro-Catholicism in colonial and post-colonial West Africa (completed) (Annalisa Butticci)
Governing the monastic order. A comparative exploration of traditional sangha-laws in pre-modern Laos and their transformations under colonialism (completed) (with Gregory Kourilsky, École Française d‘Extrême-Orient, EFEO, Paris) (Patrice Ladwig)
Life cycle rituals and the booming economy. Ordinations, funerals, and ethical change in urban Lao Buddhism (subproject of the Max Planck Cambridge Centre for Ethics, Economy and Social Change) (Patrice Ladwig)
Memories of violence in Argentina (completed) (Nicole Iturriaga)
Memories of violence in Spain (completed) (Nicole Iturriaga)
Polluted and polluting: a view from the borderland (completed) (Ngoc Thi Vuong)
Rituals of evidence: media, faith, and death in the Philippines (completed) (Scott MacLochlainn)
Towards an anthropology of Buddhism. Ethnography, theory, and comparison (completed) (with Nicolas Sihlé, Centre d‘Études Himalayennes, CNRS) (Patrice Ladwig)
Indian and Chinese religious networks in South-East Asia
Comparative research project on Chinese transnational religious networks in Singapore (completed) (Gue Thye Hue)
In the footsteps of others: Protestant networks in Southern Fujian and Southeast Asia (completed) (Chris White)
Malaysian Indians and the problem of faith: religion, political representation and racialization (completed) (Rupa Viswanath, University of Göttingen)
Socio-religious affinities, economic dominance: Chinese diasporic institutions and networks in Northeast Sumatra, c. 1920-present (completed) (Hui Kian Kwee, University of Toronto)
Structure and change in a traditional banking community: Nagarattar in the 21st century (completed) (Nathaniel Roberts)
Cross-border religious and ethnic development between South-West China and South-East Asia
Buddhist Socialisms. Asian interactions of Buddhism, socialist ideologies and communist movements in historical perspective (completed) (Patrice Ladwig)
Ghosts of ritual: yearning and utopia at the margins of the Chinese State (completed) (Mireille Mazard)
Hmong diaspora, ancestral land, and transnational networks (completed) (Weidong Zhang)
The mechanical missionary: Infrastructures of conversion and the Far East Broadcasting Company (completed) (Anderson Blanton)
Spiritual heritage and the question of post-war reconciliation in Vietnam (completed) (Tam Ngo)
Study of the relations between Miao and Yi in Southwest China and Vietnam (completed) (Jili Zhu)
Lost in translation: negotiation of language and identity among Chinese immigrants in Berlin (completed) (Jingyang Yu)
Urban aspirations in (post)cold war capitals: Seoul-Berlin in comparative anthropology (completed) (Jin-heon Jung)
Religious networks in a globalizing world (completed)
Chinese Christians’ Networks in Germany (2009 – 2010) (completed) (Dorottya Nagy)
Dissemination of global and local forms of Tibetan Buddhist knowledge in the Russian Federation (2009 – 2011) (completed) (Justine Buck Quijada)
Future plans: faithful encounters: transnational religion, missionization and the refugee crisis in mainland Southeast Asia (completed) (Alexander Horstmann)
Migration, religion and gender: perspectives on Chinese missionaries in the UK (1950 to the present) (completed) (Yuqin Huang)
The post-division (Christian) citizenship: the Christian encounters of North Korean migrants and South Korean Protestant Church (completed) (Jin-Heon Jung)
Religious Diversity and Ecological Sustainability in China (completed) (Dan Smyer Yu)
Religious movement organizations and the formation of global denominations (completed) (Weishan Huang)
The reverberative nature of the global network of Christianity among the Naga of northeast India (completed) (Vibha Joshi Parkin)
Salvation, status, and social action: contemporary configurations of Buddhism and Bangkokian middle class social and political aspirations (2009 – 2011) (completed) (Sophorntavy Vorng)
The Spread of Tibetan Buddhism in China: Charisma, Money, Enlightenment (completed) (Dan Smyer Yu)
Taming the Spirit by Using Indigenous Culture: An Ethnographic Study of the True Jesus Church as Confucian-Style Pentecostalism (completed) (Ke-hsien Huang)
Transnational religious networks and state formation in Thailand (2010 – 2011) (completed) (Jovan Maud)
Moral projects: social imaginaries of religious revival and civic engagement among the Ismaili community of Mumbai (completed) (David Strohl)
Negotiating modernity, remaking selves: East India migrants and the city in contemporary Mumbai (completed) (Uday Chandra)
New Media and New Politics in Urban India (completed) (Sahana Udupa)
Parsi religious endowments in Mumbai (completed) (Leilah Vevaina)
Religious discourse in municipal electoral campaigning (completed) (Lisa Bjorkman)
Rituals and socio-spatial negotiations in mega-cities (2009 – 2011) (completed) (Reza Masoudi Nejad)
The Shi‘a in Mumbai: Everyday life, religiosity and political subjectivity (completed) (Radhika Gupta)
Status, mediation and debt in Mumbai (completed) (Ajay Gandhi)
Supernatural as news, spiritual as newsy: Religious experiences through the news media in urban India (completed) (Sahana Udupa)
Theological anthropology, aspiration, and belonging in a global mega city (completed) (Nathaniel Roberts)
Urban aspirations in Seoul: Religion and megacities in comparative studies (2012-2017, completed)
Megachurches/microchurches: Politics of scale, space, and growth in Seoul (completed) (Ju Hui Judy Han, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto)
Places of Islam in Seoul – New experimentation in the post-colonial and globalizing Seoul (completed) (Doyoung SONG, Professor, Hanyang University, Korea)
In pursuit of religious perfection: Women, intimate labour, and genderizing Seoul (completed) (Hyun Mee KIM, Professor, Yonsei Unversity, Korea)
Religious-ideological competition and development in cold war cities: Seoul, Berlin & Pyongyang (completed) (Jin-Heon Jung, Research Fellow & the Seoul Lab Coordinator, MPI MMG)
The social semiotics of aspiration in Seoul (completed) (Nicholas Harkness, Assistant Professor, Harvard University)
Urban aspirations in Shanghai (completed)
Capital-linked migrants in Shanghai (completed) (Weishan Huang)
Christian aspirations and the everyday doing of business in Shanghai (completed) (Sin Wen Lau)
Collection and speculation: Life stories of market traders in mega city Shanghai (completed) (Rumin Luo)
Deterritorialization and localization: Capital-linked migrants and transnational Buddhism in Shanghai (completed) (Weishan Huang)
Evangelical urbanization and spatial transformation in Shanghai (completed) (Weishan Huang)
Gender, ethnicity and religion: Making sense of Uyghur aspirations in Shanghai (completed) (Sajide Tuxun)
Marriage and aspirations in contemporary Shanghai (completed) (Yuqin Huang)
Religious movement organizations and the formation of global denominations (completed) (Weishan Huang)
Urban aspirations in Singapore (completed)
Aspirations, Christianity, and young adulthood in Singapore (completed) (Jayeel Serrano Cornelio)
Community engagement, aspirations, and the youth of Soka Singapore (completed) (Jayeel Serrano Cornelio)
Biography of Arnold A. Bake (completed) (Bob van der Linden)
La construction de la sainteté dans la Chine moderne: La vie du maître bouddhiste Xuyun (completed) (Daniela Campo)
The copy generic (completed) (Scott MacLochlainn)
Guru Bawa and the formation of a transnational Sufi family (completed) (Frank J. Korom)
Imagining Tibet in China: Spiritualism of Nation and Nationalism (completed) (Principal investigator: Dan Smyer Yu)
Immigration and gentrification in New York City (completed) (Weishan Huang)
Lebanese detainees in Syria. Transnationalism, Suffering, and Piety (completed) (Roschanack Shaery)
Merchant and Murshid: Greed and God in Karachi’s Marketplace (completed) (Noman Baig)
Politics and poetics in India's changing public sphere (completed) (Raphael Susewind)
The rite of urban passage: The spatial dynamics of Muharram processions during the Iranian urban transformation (completed) (Reza Masoudi Nejad)
Sex, soul, spirits: Becoming Protestant Hmong in contemporary Vietnam (completed) (Tam Ngo)
Smaller Gods: the divine lives of corporations in the Philippines (completed) (Scott MacLochlainn)