News & Updates

For an open society
Appeal by Patrick Cramer, President of the Max Planck Society, in which he refers to the research results of the MPI-MMG DivA project. According to this study, more than two thirds of people in German cities see social diversity as a benefit.
Fast Forward Science @wissimdialog with Ulrike Bialas
The Max Planck Society will be taking part in the Fast Forward Science competition, hosted by wissenschaft im dialog, with a podcast featuring Ulrike “Über oder unter 18?”. In this "Ach, Mensch" podcast, she talks about how the controversial issue of age influences the lives of young asylum seekers in Germany.
In this series, our researchers give brief 3 minute insights into their work: what they research, how they do it and why it is significant. This time: Dekel Peretz on "Jewish-Muslim relations in Germany".
MPI-MMG in Dialogue
Invited scholars discuss cutting-edge research and new ideas with the institute’s scientists
Missed the last event? Watch the video here.

Superdiversity. Migration and Social Complexity
This new book Superdiversity by Steven Vertovec presents a convincing case for recognizing new social formations created by changing migration patterns and calls for a re-thinking of public policy and social scientific approaches to social difference.
The Open Access version is now available at
Symposium on Steven Vertovec’s Superdiversity: Migration and Social Complexity published
This publication includes an introduction by John Solomos and articles by Brenda Yeoh, Nando Sigona and Miri Song. The symposium is rounded off by a rejoinder from Steven Vertovec.
ERC Consolidator Grant
Congratulations to Megha Amrith on her receipt of a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant 2023! Her new project, entitled “The Pursuit of Wellness in Southeast Asia: New Encounters and Inequalities in an Emerging Industry” will commence at the end of 2024.
One to One Series Launch

One to One Series Launch

Video June 28, 2024
In this video, we launch the One to One Series with a film of our Founding Director Prof. Steven Vertovec in conversation with Dan Hiebert, Professor Emeritus of Geography at the University of British Columbia, on the world of migration from a policy perspective.
Martin Bulmer Prize
Congratulations to Elisa Lanari for being awarded the Martin Bulmer Prize for her article "Latina M(other)work against racism: living with legal precarity in suburban Atlanta“ in Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Best Poster Award
Congratulations to Margherita Cusmano, who received the Best Poster Award for "How do migrants judge inequality" at the In_equality Conference 2024 in Konstanz.
Diversity assent: conceptualisation and an empirical application
A new article in Ethnic and Racial Studies by MPI-MMG researchers outlines their concept „diversity assent“. It demonstrates who supports different aspects of diversity. Pro-diversity-attitudes are shared by a majority of the German urban population.

Forthcoming Events

Migration and Method

Oct 16, 2024 - Oct 18, 2024

Jewish–Muslim Encounters in Urban Europe: Under Pressure

Nov 4, 2024 - Nov 5, 2024
Refugio Berlin
IN DIALOGUE: our series of events on new research findings and current debates will continue. We will be discussing superdiversity, German migration policy, diversity assent and age and migration. Videos of previous In Dialogue events can be found here.

MPI-MMG @ Conferences

▪   Elisa Lanari: "Undoing dominant narratives, remaking collective worlds: humor and play among US Latinx youth and West African refugees in Italy"
European Association for Social Anthropology (EASA)
July 23-26, 2024 | Barcelona
▪   Nicolas Fliess, Panel "Openness to Others: Nationalism, Migration and Representation"
ECPR Conference
August 11-16, 2024 | Dublin


Job Offers

Currently we do not have any vacancies.


Palgrave Macmillan
Global Diversities

Recent MMG Publications | Monographs and Edited Volumes

Working Papers

The MMG Working Paper Series is designed to communicate work in progress and to disseminate key findings in areas related to the core research themes of the institute. The series includes contributions from our own research staff members, visiting scholars and participants in institute events.



Sampaio, D., & Amrith, M. (Eds.). (2023). Special issue: Southern reconfigurations of the ageing-migration nexus [Special Issue]. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(4). Link

Rau, V., & Nicoubin, M. (Eds.). (2023). Religionsverfassungsrecht revisited: Religion, Säkularität und Gesellschaft im Wandel [Special Issue]. Schriftenreihe / Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 10822Link

Reddy, G., Coultas, C. & Lukate, J.M. (Eds.) (2023). Towards a social psychology of precarity [Special Issue]. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(S1). Link


Journal Articles

Rau, V., & Baykara-Krumme, H. (2024). Migration meets disability. Approaches to intersectionality in the context of a disability rights organization. Disability & Society. Link

Kyselova, O. (2024). The restriction of labour rights in war conditions: The Ukranian experience. InterEULawEast, 11(1), 167-199. Link

Matyjas-Lysakowska, P., & Kyselova, O. (2024). Employee subordination of civil service officials in the context of remote work: Insights from Polish and Ukranian experience. Futurity: Economics and Law, 4(2), 148-167. Link

Peretz, D. (2024). Mediatization of Jewish–Muslim dialogue in Germany amid COVID‑19. Contemporary Jewry. Link

Lemon, E., Torno, S., & Rashidov, T. (2024). Values education, the family, and youth in Tajikistan: Building docile subjects. Problems of Post-Communism, 1-11. Link

Emmerich, A. (2024). Freundschaftspioniere im Bahnhofsviertel: Juden und Muslime in einer multikulturellen Nachbarschaft. Herder-Korrespondenz: Monatshefte für Gesellschaft und Religion, 2024(5), 30-32. Link

Bass, M. (2024). Summer (somewhere) in the city. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, OnlineFirst, 1-2. Link

Lanari, E. (2024). Makeshift activism and the afterlives of refugee welcome in Covid-19 Italy. Critique of Anthropology, OnlineFirst, 1-20. Link

Sobhy, H. (2024). When do teachers strike: Between strong Unions, divergent preferences and political opportunity in Tunisia. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 1-16. Link

Drożdżowicz, A., & Peled, Y. (2024). The complexities of linguistic discrimination. Philosophical Psychology. Link

Vertovec, S., Hiebert, D., Spoonley, P., & Gamlen, A. (2024). Visualizing superdiversity and “seeing” urban socio-economic complexity. Urban Geography, 45(2), 179-200. Link


Contributions to a collected Edition

Lukate, J. M. (2023). Ein Nachwort auf (Schwarze) Haare. In E. H. Murandu (Ed.), Book about hair (pp. 330-348). Weimar: Lucia Verlag. Link

Seethaler-Wari, S. (2024). Architektur und kulturspezifische Raumnutzung: Wohnraumgestaltung für eine heterogene Bewohner*innenschaft. In F. Werner, P. Piechura, C. Bormann, & I. Breckner (Eds.), Flucht, Raum, Forschung: Eine Einführung in raumwissenschaftliche und planungsrelevanten Themen (pp. 231-250). Wiesbaden: Springer. Link

Szepan, L. (2023). Making the "social business" work: Organizational identity as revolving stage. In M. May, S. Groth, & J. Müske (Eds.), Morality as organizational practice: Negotiating, performing, and navigating moral standards in contexts of work (pp. 125-136). Münster: Waxmann.

Tahiiev, A. (2023). Шиизм на постсоветском пространстве: влияние новых медиа / Shi’ism in the post-Soviet space: the influence of new media. In E. Muratova, & Z. Khabibullina (Eds.), Виртуальный ислам на постсоветском пространстве: киберсреда и религиозные авторитеты / Virtual Islam in the post-Soviet space: cyber environment and religious authorities. (pp. 80-108). Baku: Idrak. Link

Bass, M., Davis, C., Nedsreal, N., & Walendom, L. (2023). Why all the black women sit together on the U-Bahn. In S. Chatterjee, & P.-H. Lee (Eds.), Plural Feminisms: Navigating Resistance as Everyday Praxis (pp. 59-74). London: Bloomsbury Academic. Link

Amrith, M. (2023). Migrant eldercare workers. In S. Torres, & A. Hunter (Eds.), Handbook on Migration and Ageing. (pp. 217-227). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Link

Amrith, M., Sakti, V. K., & Sampaio, D. (2023). Introduction. In M. Amrith, V. K. Sakti, & D. Sampaio (Eds.), Aspiring in later life: Movements across time, space, and generations (pp. 1-16). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Link

Amrith, M. (2023). Letting go and looking ahead: The aspirations of middle-aged migrant domestic workers in Singapore and Hong Kong. In M. Amrith, V. K. Sakti, & D. Sampaio (Eds.), Aspiring in later life: Movements across time, space, and generations. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Link


Alumni News

  • Arndt-Walter Emmerich | Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Hertfordshire
  • Annelies Kusters | Professor of Sociolinguistics at the School of Social Sciences at the Heriot-Watt University
  • Christine Lang | Assistant professor in Social Geography and Reflexive Migration Studies at Osnabrück University
  • Damian Omar Martinez | Research Fellow “María Zambrano” at the Department of Sociology, University of Murcia (Spain)
  • Sabine Mohamed | Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology at Johns Hopkins University
  • Raphael Susewind | Associate Professorial Lecturer in the Department of Methodology at the London School of Economics and Political Science
Diao, Yin.  2023.  Faith by Aurality in China’s Ethnic Borderland. Media, Mobility, and Christianity at the Margins. Boydell and Brewer.
Gupta, Radhika. 2023. “Freedom in Captivity: Negotiations of Belonging along Kashmir’s Frontier”.  Cambridge University Press” (
Liu, Jifeng. 2023. 族群身份與跨國網絡:馬來西亞砂拉越華人基督徒研究 (Ethnic Identities and Transnational Networks: Chinese Christians in Sarawak, Malaysia). Chinese Christian Literature Council (Taiwan).
Mahadev, Neena. 2023. Karma and Grace: Religious Difference in Millennial Sri Lanka, Columbia University Press. (discount with CUP20).
Vevaina, Leilah. 2023. Trust Matters: Parsi Endowments in Mumbai and the Horoscope of the City, Duke University Press.
► Radhika Gupta was awarded an ERC Consolidator grant in 2023 for a project titled “Entangled Universals of Transnational Islamic Charity” (read more)
► Julia Martínez-Ariño was awarded the 2023 ISSR (International Society for Science and Religion) Best Book Award for her book "Urban Secularism."
► Ke-hsien Huang was awarded the ICAS Book Prize of Chinese Language Edition 2023 for his book  “危殆生活:無家者的社會世界與幫助網絡 (Precarious Living: Homeless People and the Helping Networks in Taiwan)“ 春山出版有限公司 SpringHill Publishing Ltd., 2021.
Sahana Udupa was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant to study small platform discourse. read more

Online Media

The City Show

The City Show

The City show is a podcast about complexity and how people live and adapt to life in fast-changing cities across Africa, Latin America and Asia. 
Researchers from the institute describe the development of their projects and the challenges, delights and frustrations of conducting social scientific research.
Online Lectures
Here you will find videos from lectures given by distinguished researchers at the MPI MMG.
Diversity Interviews
Here you will find transcripts of interviews with distinguished scientists, led by staff members of the MMG.

MPI-MMG linked Journals

New Diversities is an international, peer reviewed, scholarly and professional journal, published by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity.
Global Networks
Global Networks publishes high quality, peer-reviewed research on global networks, transnational affairs and practices, and their relation to wider theories of globalization. The journal provides a forum for discussion, debate and the refinement of key ideas in this emerging field.
CityScapes is a 144 page biannual print publication. It is a hybrid of forms, simultaneously invested in scholarly discourse around contemporary urbanism in Africa and the Global South, as much as individual everyday experiences and activities of the multitude of actors that are actively involved in shaping cities across the continent and the rest of the developing world.

All social scientific research at the Institute, particularly concerning informed consent and involving visual materials, is designed to follow the ethical guidelines formulated by the American Anthropological Association (see ).

All material on the Institute’s website is protected by copyright. If you wish to use material from the website, please contact our Research Coordinator, Dr. Norbert Winnige ().


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