Prof. Dr. Irfan Ahmad, 2017-2021


Von 2018 bis 2021 war Irfan Ahmad als Senior Research Fellow am Institut tätig. Ahmad hat als politischer Anthropologe an der Universität Amsterdam und der Universität Utrecht in den Niederlanden sowie an der Monash University und der Australian Catholic University in Australien gelehrt. Er interessiert sich für die Dynamik von Religion (Islam), Politik, Demokratie, Medien, Gewalt, Anthropologie der Philosophie und Geschichte der Anthropologie - insbesondere in Südasien - und hat zwei Monographien (Princeton University Press und University of North Carolina Press/Oxford University Press) verfasst und zwei Bücher (Routledge und Oxford University Press) mit herausgegeben. Ein Sammelband mit dem Titel "Are Anthropology and Ethnography Equivalent?" wird 2021 bei Berghahn erscheinen. Ahmads Beiträge sind u.a. in Anthropological Theory, JRAI, Public Culture, HAU, Philosophy & Social Criticism, Modern Asian Studies und Public Anthropologist erschienen. Ahmad ist Gründungsmitglied und Mitherausgeber des Journal of Religious & Political Practice und gehört außerdem zu den Redaktionsbeiräten von Public Anthropologist, South Asia und International Journal of Islam in Asia.




Ahmad, I. (2017). Religion as critique: Islamic critical thinking from Mecca to the marketplace. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. Link


Ahmad, I., & Kang, J. (Eds.). (2022). The nation form in the global age: Ethnographic perspectives. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Link

Ahmad, I. (Ed.). (2021). Anthropology and ethnography are not equivalent: reorienting anthropology for the future. New York: Berghahn Books. Link

Ahmad, I., & Kanungo, P. (Eds.). (2019). The algebra of warfare-welfare. A long view of India's 2014 election. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Link

Ahmad, I., & Doyle, N. J. (Eds.). (2018). (Il)liberal Europe: Islamophobia, modernity and radicalization. London: Routledge. Link

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Ahmad, I., & Kang, J. (2022). Introduction: Imagining alternatives to globalization of the nation form. In I. Ahmad, & J. Kang (Eds.), The Nation Form in the Global Age: Ethnographic Perspectives (pp. 3-44). Cham: Springer International Publishing. Link

Ahmad, I., & van der Veer, P. (2022). Muslim bare life in contemporary India. In I. Ahmad, & J. Kang (Eds.), The Nation Form in the Global Age: Ethnographic Perspectives (pp. 127-152). Cham: Springer International Publishing. Link

Ahmad, I. (2022). The oeuvre of Peter van der Veer. In I. Ahmad, & J. Kang (Eds.), The Nation Form in the Global Age: Ethnographic Perspectives (pp. 45-71). Cham: Springer International Publishing. Link

Ahmad, I. (2019). Democracy as rumour: media, religion, and the 2014 Indian elections. In I. Ahmad, & P. Kanungo (Eds.), The algebra of warfare-welfare. A long view of India's 2014 election (pp. 55-90). New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Link

Ahmad, I. (2019). Introduction: democracy and the algebra of warfare-welfare. In I. Ahmad, & P. Kanungo (Eds.), The algebra of warfare-welfare. A long view of India's 2014 election (pp. 1-54). New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Link

Ahmad, I. (2019). Unity in diversity: democracy and manifestos in the 2014 Indian elections. In I. Ahmad, & P. Kanungo (Eds.), The algebra of warfare-welfare. A long view of India's 2014 election (pp. 309-333). New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Link

Ahmad, I. (2018). In defense of ho(s)tels: Islamophobia, domophilia, liberalism. In I. Ahmad, & N. J. Doyle (Eds.), (Il)liberal Europe: Islamophobia, modernity and radicalization. London: Routledge. Link


Ahmad, I. (2018). Is political anthropology dead? Anthropology News, 59. Link

Ahmad, I. (2018). Twentieth-century faces of anthropology’s holism. Anthropology News, 59(3). Link

Ahmad, I. (2017). Democracy in Jail: Over-representation of minorities in Indian prisons. Economic & Political Weekly, 52(44), 98-106. Link

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