Dr. Victoria Kumala Sakti
Amrith, M., Sakti, V. K., & Sampaio, D. (Eds.). (2023). Aspiring in later life: Movements across time, space, and generations. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Link
Sakti, V. K., & Amrith, M. (Eds.). (2022). Living in the here and now: Extended temporalities of forced migration [Special Issue]. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 43(4). Link
Sakti, Victoria K. (2023). Ageing at the margins: Gendered and southern narratives of displacement among the East Timorese in Indonesia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(4), 1065–1081. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2022.2115632
Sakti, Victoria Kumala. (2023). Older Refugee Perspectives on Death, Remembrance, and Burial: The East Timorese in Indonesia. Journal of Refugee Studies, fead010. https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/fead010
Sakti, Victoria Kumala, & Taek, D. Y. (2023). Reflections on Ethics in Research with Older Displaced Persons in West Timor: Considering the “Time Effect”. International Quarterly for Asian Studies, 54(1), 39–58. https://doi.org/10.11588/iqas.2023.1.14992
Sakti, Victoria K. (2022). ‘Here for Now’: Temporalities of Ageing and Forced Displacement Through Pension Narratives. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 43(4), 497–513. https://doi.org/10.1080/07256868.2022.2086227
Sakti, Victoria K., & Amrith, M. (2022). Introduction: Living in the ‘Here and Now’: Extended Temporalities of Forced Migration. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 43(4), 457–463. https://doi.org/10.1080/07256868.2022.2088084
Sakti, Victoria Kumala. (2020). Aging in Timorese Exile: (Im)mobilities of Care and Intergenerational Relationships. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 18(3), 301–319. https://doi.org/10.1080/15350770.2020.1787039
Sakti, Victoria K. (2017). Im/mobile subjects: Identity, conflict and emotion work among East Timorese Meto diaspora. Social Identities, 23(4), 462–477. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504630.2017.1281469
Sakti, Victoria Kumala. (2013). ‘Thinking Too Much’: Tracing Local Patterns of Emotional Distress After Mass Violence in Timor-Leste. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 14(5), 438–454. https://doi.org/10.1080/14442213.2013.826733
Beiträge in Sammelwerken
Amrith, M., Sakti, V. K., & Sampaio, D. (2023). Introduction. In M. Amrith, V. K. Sakti, & D. Sampaio (Eds.), Aspiring in Later Life Movements across Time, Space, and Generations (pp. 1–16). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Sakti, V. K. (2023). “It’s like a big family feud!” Researching social trauma and repair through the lens of emotion and culture. In T. Stodulka, A. von Poser, G. Scheidecker, & J. Bens (Eds.), Anthropologie der Emotionen Affektive Dynamiken in Kultur und Gesellschaft (pp. 221–228). Berlin: Reimer.
Sakti, V. K. (2022). Im/mobile subjects: Identity, conflict and emotion work among East Timorese Meto diaspora. In B. Bräuchler (Ed.), Patterns of Im/mobility, Conflict and Identity. London: Routledge.
Sakti, V. K. (2020). The Politics of Loss and Restoration: Massive Bad Death in the Oecussi Highlands. In L. Kent & R. Feijo (Eds.), The Dead as Ancestors, Martyrs, and Heroes in Timor-Leste (pp. 159–178). Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.1515/9789048544448-009
Sakti, V. K., & Reynaud, A.-M. (2018). Understanding Reconciliation Through Reflexive Practice: Ethnographic Examples from Canada and Timor-Leste. In G. Millar (Ed.), Ethnographic Peace Research: Approaches and Tensions (pp. 159–180). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65563-5_8
Sakti, V. K. (2014). The act of killing and dealing with present-day demons of impunity – a conversation with Joshua Oppenheimer. In T. Stodulka & B. Röttger-Rössler (Eds.), Feelings at the Margins: Dealing with Violence, Stigma and Isolation in Indonesia (pp. 218–228). Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag.
Sakti, V. K. (2011). Erinnerungsarbeit in Osttimor: Das Living Memory Project. In H. Myrttinen, M. Schlicher, & M. Tschanz (Eds.), „Die Freiheit, für die wir kämpfen ...“: Osttimor in der Unabhängigkeit. Ein politisches Lesebuch. (pp. 89–94). regiospectra.
Sakti, V. K. (2011). Trauern um das Unfassbare. In H. Myrttinen, M. Schlicher, & M. Tschanz (Eds.), „Die Freiheit, für die wir kämpfen ...“: Osttimor in der Unabhängigkeit. Ein politisches Lesebuch. (pp. 101–108). regiospectra.
Sakti, Victoria K. (2024, August 7). “Who Cares for Older Refugees? An East Timorese Healthcare Worker’s Mission.” In “Aging Globally: Challenges and Possibilities of Growing Old in an Unsettling Era,” edited by Magdalena Zegarra Chiappori, American Ethnologist website. https://americanethnologist.org/online-content/who-cares-for-older-refugees-an-east-timorese-healthcare-workers-missionby-victoria-kumala-sakti/
Sakti, Victoria K. (2021, February 9). Die unsichtbare Diaspora. Retrieved from Südostasien—Zeitschrift für Politik • Kultur • Dialog website: https://suedostasien.net/osttimor-die-unsichtbare-diaspora/
Sakti, Victoria K. (2018, December). Portraits of Ageing in Displacement: East Timorese Diasporas in Indonesia. Retrieved from Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity website: https://www.mmg.mpg.de/243919/blog-sakti-portraits-of-ageing
Sakti, Victoria Kumala. (2015). PACSA Bi-Annual Meeting | September 2-4, 2015. Allegra Lab Blog. Retrieved from Allegra Lab Blog website: https://allegralaboratory.net/pacsa-bi-annual-meeting-september-2-4-2015-report/