
in chronologischer Reihenfolge, absteigend

Ort: Zoom Event
Racism and intersecting systems of inequity shape daily life in the United States and around the globe. The form such inequity takes, as well as how young people navigate this context as they form identity related beliefs and behaviors, has implications for their own development and for the society around them. [mehr]
Co-Sponsored by the Frances Loeb Library, Harvard Graduate School of Design and Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity [mehr]

"Heritage out of Control: Inheriting Waste, Spirits and Energies"

Workshops, conferences 2021
  • Beginn: 17.05.2021 09:00
  • Ende: 19.05.2021 17:00
  • Ort: Zoom Event

"Under the Banner of Islam (Oxford University Press)"

Workshops, conferences 2021
Gülay Türkmen is a sociologist and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Graz. Her work examines how macro-scale historical and political developments inform questions of belonging and identity-formation in multi-cultural societies. [mehr]

"Between Spiritual Care and Forensic Care: Situating the Remains of War Dead in Contemporary Vietnam"

  • Datum: 13.04.2021
  • Uhrzeit: 16:00 - 18:00
  • Vortragender: Tam Ngo (MPI-MMG/NIOD)
  • TAM NGO works half-time at the MPI and half-time at the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD) in Amsterdam.
  • Ort: Zoom Event
A lecture as part of the colloquium series "Understanding Asia: Bridging Margins" at Bielefeld University. [mehr]
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