Workshop organized by Ayelet Shachar, Director at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity In cooperation with- University of California, Berkeley- Göttingen Campus
Maria Sobolewska is a Senior Lecturer in Politics (Quantitative Methods) at the University of Manchester and a member of CoDE She completed her doctorate on the political attitudes and voting of ethnic minorities in Britain at the University of Oxford. She works on the political integration and representation of ethnic minorities in Britain, public perceptions of integration, and the production and framing of public opinion of British Muslims. She has been part of the team conducting the Ethnic Minority British Election Survey in 2010 and is currently part of the PATHWAYS project: a seven country study of the descriptive and substantive representation of immigrant-origin minorities headed by Prof Thomas Saalfeld, University of Bamberg.
Nils Bubandt is Professor of Anthropology at Aarhus University, where he (with Anna Tsing) co-directs AURA (Aarhus University Research on the Anthropocene). With Mark Graham, he is also editor-in-chief of Ethnos. Recent and forthcoming publications include The Empty Seashell: Witchcraft and Doubt on an Indonesian Island (Cornell University Press, 2014); Democracy, Corruption and the Politics of Spirits in Contemporary Indonesia (Routledge 2014); and Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet (co-edited with Anna Tsing, Heather Swanson and Elaine Gan)(University of Minnesota Press, 2017).
Katharyne Mitchell is Professor of Geography at the University of Washington. She is the author of Crossing the Neoliberal Line: Pacific Rim Migration and the Metropolis, and editor of Practising Public Scholarship: Experiences and Possibilities Beyond the Academy. Mitchell’s current research, on migration and the spaces of sanctuary in Europe, is made possible by fellowships from the Brocher Foundation and the Guggenheim Foundation.
Murat Akan is Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics and Political Theory in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science (2005) from Columbia University, New York. He was a non-residential post-doctoral research fellow with the University of Amsterdam (2009-2012), and a guest researcher in-residence at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen (2012-2013). He will be a visiting scholar in George Washington University in July and August 2017. He has a forthcoming book from Columbia University Press on secularism in France and Turkey.
Serhat Karakayali is Researcher at the Berlin Institute for Migration Research, Humboldt University. Before that he was Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Halle, where he taught sociological theory. He completed his dissertation on the history of illegal immigration in Germany as a scholarship holder of the Heinrich-Böll Foundation. In the past few years his research has focussed on different forms of solidarity with migrants and refugees.