Dr. Swetlana Torno
Borisova, E., & Torno, S. (2024). Images of care: Marriage, family making, and the reproduction of the social order in Tajikistan. Journal of Eurasian Studies, 0(0): OnlineFirst, pp. 1-25. doi:10.1177/18793665241256969
Lemon, E., Torno, S., & Rashidov, T. (2024). Values education, the family, and youth in Tajikistan: Building docile subjects. Problems of Post-Communism, 1-11. doi:10.1080/10758216.2024.2350565
Torno, S. (2023). Life-course management and social security in later life: Women’s biographical practices spanning generations and historical contexts in Tajikistan. Historical Social Research, 48(4), 104-130. doi:10.12759/hsr.48.2023.41
Roche, S., Torno, S. & Kazemi, S. R. (2020). Family Matters: The Making and Remaking of Family during Conflict Periods in Central Asia. Acta Via Serica 5(1), 153–186. https://doi.org/10.22679/avs.2020.5.1.006
Torno, S. (2018). How Relations Make Persons: Rituals Accompanying Childbirth and Socialization of Infants in Kyrgyzstan.” Central Asian Affairs 5(2), 111–133. https://doi.org/10.1163/22142290-00502002
Beiträge in Sammelbänden
Torno, S. (2020 [2017]). Tajik in Content—Soviet in Form? Reading Tajik Political Discourse on and for Women. In S. Roche (Ed.) Тhe Family in Central Asia: New Perspectives (pp. 141-160). Berlin: De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783112209271-009
Torno, S. (2018). Таджикское по содержанию – советское по форме? Таджикский политический дискурс применительно к женщинам. [Tajik in Content — Soviet in Form ? Reading Tajik Political Discourse on and for Women.] In S. Roche (Ed.), Семья в Центральной Азии: Новые перспективы изучения. [Russian edition of Тhe Family in Central Asia] (pp. 112–128). Berlin: Klaus Schwarz.Sonstige
Torno, S. (2024). [Blog Post:] ‘I am in Dushanbe now, selling apples at the market.’ Contemplating ageing and (im)mobilities in rural Tajikistan. ifl.blog Link zum Blog
Torno, S. (2022). Book Review: Changes in Care: Aging, Migration, and Social Class in West Africa. Anthropology & Aging 43(1), 74–77. https://doi.org/10.5195/aa.2022.388
Torno, S. (2017). Interview: A Narrative about Care: How to Be a Woman in Tajikistan (in Russian and English). Central Asia Analytical Network. Retrieved from http://caa-network.org/archives/11021
Torno, S. (2015). Genderideologien zwischen Normalität und Realität. CARGO – Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 35, 66–73.
Torno, S. (2015). Zum Konzept der Person in kirgisischen Ritualen um Schwangerschaft, Geburt und während des ersten Lebensjahres. Master Thesis. University of Tübingen. http://dx.doi.org/10.15496/publikation-6053
Torno, S. & Costa, J. (2012). Study on Maternal and Infant Mortality. An Investigation of Reporting Processes and Perspectives of Medical Staff [Consultant Report]. Tajik-Swiss Health Reform and Family Medicine Support Project.