Dr. Feriha Nazda Saygı


Feriha Nazda Saygı ist „Scholar in Residence“ am MPI-MMG. Nazda ist derzeit an der Bahçeşehir-Universität, Zentrum für Migration und urbane Studien (BAUMUS, Istanbul) als Postdoktorandin tätig. Sie promovierte an der Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, Türkei, im Bereich Stadtplanung und lokale Verwaltungen. Von Januar bis April 2023 war sie FFVT-Stipendiatin (Forced Migration and Refugee Studies) an der Universität Osnabrück - Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS), Deutschland. Ihre Hauptforschungsinteressen liegen in der Verbindung von Migration, Flüchtlings- und Stadtforschung und umfassen sozio-kulturelle/ethnische Diversität, sozialräumliche Ergebnisse von erzwungener Migration (z.B. Integration, Emplacement, Place-Making), Standortentscheidungen und Siedlungsmuster von Migranten/Flüchtlingen, soziale Ungleichheit, Exklusion und ethnische Wohnsegregation.



Eraydın, A., Demirdaǧ, I., Güngördü, F. N., & Yenigün, Ö. Y. (2017). DIVERCITIES: Dealing  with Urban Diversity – The Case of Istanbul. Utrecht: Utrecht University, Faculty of Geosciences.


[ohne Peer-Review] Güngördü, F. N. (2022). Etkin Bir Göç Yönetimi için Saha Çalışmaları Yapılmalı [The  Importance of Field Studies for Effective Migration Management]. Republican People’s Party  (CHP), Weekly Bulletin, pp. 4–5.

Haliloğlu Kahraman, Z. E., & Güngördü, F. N. (2022). Understanding the local dynamics of Syrian refugee integration through the eyes of refugees and local residents: The case of the Ȍnder Neighbourhood, Ankara. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 22(2), 305–328. https://doi.org/10.1080/14683857.2021.2013683

Güngördü, F. N., & Kahraman, Z. E. (2021). Investigating Syrian Refugees’ Choice of Location in Urban Areas as a Subjective Process: A Cross-case Comparison in the Neighbourhoods of Önder (Ankara) and Yunusemre (İzmir). International Journal of Islamic Architecture, 10(2), 387–412. https://doi.org/10.1386/ijia_00049_1

Orhan, E., Kahraman, Z. E., & Güngördü, N. (2020). Building a Framework for Analysing the Quality of Life at Neighbourhood Level: An Empirical Case from Ankara. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 25(1), 63–82. https://doi.org/10.21315/jcdc2020.25.1.4

[ohne Peer-Review] Güngördü, F. N., & Kahraman, E. (2018). Local Public Participation Process Before Urban  Renewal Applications: The case of Yıldızevler Neighborhood, Ankara. Proceedings of the  ISUEP 2018 International Symposium on Urbanization and Environmental Problems:  Transition/Transformation/Authenticity. Presented at the International Symposium on Urbanization and Environmental Problems, Eskişehir. Eskişehir: Anadolu University.

Güngördü, F. N. (2018). Processes and Factors of Social Exclusion in Arrival Cities: Attitudes towards Syrians under Temporary Protection in Tarlabaşı, Istanbul. GRID - Architecture, Planning and Design Journal, 1(2), 177–198. https://doi.org/10.37246/grid.405125

[ohne Peer-Review] Güngördü, F. N., & Eraydın, A. (2014). 2008 Finansal Krizinin ve Kemer Sıkma  Politikalarının Avrupa Birliği’ndeki Göç ve Göç Politikalarına Etkisi [The Impact of the 2008  Financial Crisis and Austerity Policies on Migration and Migration Policies in the European  Union]. Proceedings of the KBAM 5th Urban and Regional Research, Ankara. Presented at the KBAM 5th Urban and Regional Research, Ankara. Ankara.

Beiträge in Sammelbänden

Güngördü, F. N. (2023). Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin Yer Seçimleri ve Hareketlilik  Örüntüleri Üzerine Çok-Ölçekli Bir Değerlendirme: Nedenler, Aktörler ve Sonuçlar. [A  Multiscalar Assessment on the Location Choices and Mobility Patterns of Syrians in Turkey: Causes, Actors and Consequences]. In S. Savran-Penpecioğlu & A. Demirkol (Eds.), Dış Göçün Odağında Türkiye Kentleri: Kuram,  Uygulama ve Mekanın Değişimi. Ankara: Idealkent Publishing.

Güngördü, F. N. (2019). Küresel Göç Hareketlerinin Kültürel, Sosyo-Ekonomik Ve Mekansal  Etkilerini Yerel Ölçekten Okumak: Bir planlama sorunu olarak Suriyeli mülteci krizi [Evaluating the Cultural, Socio-Economic and Spatial Impacts of Global Migration Movements  from the Local Scale: The Syrian Refugee Crisis as a Planning Problem]. In M. Göç (Ed.), Göç, Mekan,  Siyaset: Toplumsal – Mekansal Hareketlilikler ve Planlama. Ankara: TMMOB Chamber of City  Planners.

[ohne Peer-Review] Güngördü, F. N., & Bayırbağ, M. K. (2019). Policy and Planning in the Age of Mobilities: Refugees and Urban Planning in Turkey. In N. Uzun, B. Özdemir-Sarı, & S. Özdemir (Eds.), Urban and Regional Planning in Turkey (pp. 185–211). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

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