Veranstaltungen der Abteilung für soziokulturelle Vielfalt (in absteigender Reihenfolge)

Ort: MPI-MMG, Goettingen
This event will bring together experts on highly skilled migration in major migrant receiving countries in (South) East Asia as well as Germany to explore and compare the challenges of retaining, rather than simply recruiting, highly skilled migrants in ageing societies. [mehr]

QuaMaFa Closing Workshop

Workshops, conferences 2024
Final event of collaborative project “Qualification and Skill in the Migration Process of Foreign Workers in Asia” (QuaMaFa) [mehr]
Given by Dr. Michael McEachrane during the workshop "Black multiplicities, African multiplicities? Theorising Migration, Identity, and Blackness from a European standpoint". [mehr]
Organized by the Minerva Fast Track Research Group Migration, Identity and Blackness in Europe (Johanna Lukate & Madeline Bass) [mehr]
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