Veranstaltungen der Abteilung für soziokulturelle Vielfalt (in absteigender Reihenfolge)

Ort: MPI-MMG, Goettingen
This event will bring together experts on highly skilled migration in major migrant receiving countries in (South) East Asia as well as Germany to explore and compare the challenges of retaining, rather than simply recruiting, highly skilled migrants in ageing societies. [mehr]

QuaMaFa Closing Workshop

Workshops, conferences 2024
Final event of collaborative project “Qualification and Skill in the Migration Process of Foreign Workers in Asia” (QuaMaFa) [mehr]
Given by Dr. Michael McEachrane during the workshop "Black multiplicities, African multiplicities? Theorising Migration, Identity, and Blackness from a European standpoint". [mehr]
Organized by the Minerva Fast Track Research Group Migration, Identity and Blackness in Europe (Johanna Lukate & Madeline Bass) [mehr]
Invited scholars discuss cutting-edge research and new ideas with the institute’s scientists [mehr]
Invited scholars discuss cutting-edge research and new ideas with the institute’s scientists [mehr]
An event marking the launch of Steven Vertovec’s new book. [mehr]


Workshops, conferences 2022
Research meeting of the ORA joint research project "Muslim-Jewish encounter, diversity & distance in urban Europe: Religion, culture and social model" [mehr]
The panel will discuss the results of the ZOMiDi research project, which investigated how and why civil society organizations change in response to migration and societal diversity. Do organizations that focus on differences respond in similar ways to the challenges linked with migration? What ‘best practices’ for organizational change can they offer? [mehr]
How do the empires of the past continue to exist today? And what is forgotten when bygone empires are so adamantly remembered? For the past five-and-a-half years, the Max Planck Research Group,“Empires of Memory: The Cultural Politics of Historicity in Former Habsburg and Ottoman Cities,” has investigated these questions by examining the cities of central Europe, the Balkans, Anatolia, and beyond. The “In Dialogue” event “Sanitizing Imperial Pasts” will present selected results from this research in order to explore how bygone empires continue to shape our world today. The discussion is moderated by Jelena Radovanović, a researcher of the Max Planck Research Group “Empires of Memory“. [mehr]

MPI-MMG in Dialogue "Migration Studies without the Nation State?"

Events 2021
The on-going corona pandemic appears to have ultimately ushered in a caesura in the understanding of governance and politics, fundamentally questioning free movement. In the same line of thought, Adrian Favell, one of the leading social and political theorists on migration, integration and citizenship at University of Leeds and fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, critically reviews what he calls “optimistic post-national forms of governance”. In this panel discussion, Steven Vertovec, Director of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, and Christine Lang, former MPI MMG researcher and currently at the Institute of Geography and the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at Osnabrück University, discuss the past and presence of nation states and their migration/integration policies, and whether migration research should indeed be reoriented by detaching itself from the nation-state. The discussion is moderated by Karen Schönwälder, research group leader at MPI-MMG. [mehr]
Der Vortrag beschreibt die Gründung der deutschfranzösisch-italienischen Rettungsorganisation SOS MEDITERRANEE und den Einsatz des Rettungsschiffes „Aquarius“ im zentralen Mittelmeer zwischen Libyen und Lampedusa. [mehr]

"Reactions to exclusion"

Workshops, conferences 2018
Workshop and meeting of the Max Planck Research Initiative “The Challenges of Migration, Integration and Exclusion” [on invitation only] [mehr]
Workshop organized by Sonja Moghaddari (MPI-MMG) and Sara de Jong (The Open University). ▪ This interdisciplinary workshop explores the roles, perspectives and positionalities of researchers and public figures (such as politicians, journalists or artists) of „migrant background“, whose self-claimed or ascribed identities are often the same as those of newcoming migrants. [mehr]
Roundtable Discussion with Loren Landau, University of Witwatersrand • Hewan Semon, University of Hamburg • Richard Rottenburg, University of Halle-Wittenberg • Prince K. Guma, University of Utrecht [mehr]
Workshop organized by AbdouMaliq Simone & Sabine Mohamed. ▪ This workshop is interested in the inscriptions of difference in the everyday after a violent political transformation. It seeks to understand how, in urban spheres and in nation-state projects, the figure of the other becomes articulated and is at the same time haunted by its legacies. [mehr]

"European cities and diversity: new policies, changing relations between societal actors?"

Workshops, conferences 2018
This workshop focuses on interventions at the city level and by local actors, for instance, into the composition of the population in the city and its neighbourhoods, into the life chances of different population groups and their opportunities to participate in the city. [mehr]
Workshop organized in cooperation with the “Local refugee politics” working groupof the Netzwerk Flüchtlingsforschung. [mehr]

InCoLaS Workshop "Language and inequality in the age of superdiversity"

Workshops, conferences 2017
- by invitation only - Official and institutional responses to linguistic diversity play a significant part in establishing (andmaintaining) close links between linguistic repertoires, social hierarchies, prestige and stigma. Whilethere is no reason to assume that the sociolinguistic landscapes of globalised societies are less unequalthan before, it is clear that we need suitable ways of seeing and conceptualizing the (perhapsincreasingly complex) relationships between social hierarchization, identification, linguistic practices andmetadiscursive regimes. This workshop will contribute to developing such conceptualizations throughan intensive discussion of existing conceptualizations of social inequalities across disciplines and theirintersection with language. The aim is to understand the intersections of social stratifica-tion and culturaland linguistic categorization in an age of (linguistic) superdiversity and to contribute to the developmentof an analytical framework for these intersections. [mehr]

"Inhabiting the corridor: surging resource economies and urban life in East Africa"

Workshops, conferences 2016

"Public institutions as the venue for negotiating religious diversity and secularism in Europe"

Workshops, conferences 2016
Organizers: Julia Martínez-Ariño, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, & Ines Michalowski, WZB, Berlin Social Science Center [mehr]

"After the urban is over or before it has really begun? Urban theory today"

Workshops, conferences 2016
WORKSHOP organized by AbdouMaliq Simone, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity [mehr]
Workshop organized by Annelies Kusters (MPI-MMG).The aim of this symposium is to foreground contributions based on linguistic ethnographies which were undertaken in educational settings and public/private/parochial settings in which people engage in the practice of translanguaging. With translanguaging we mean the linguistic practices in which people with diverse and multilingual backgrounds engage in order to make themselves understood by others. When doing so, they do not make use of separated languages but use elements/lexicon/grammar of (what might be regarded as) two or more different languages, hence the term ‘translanguaging’. In the process of translanguaging, people typically make use of a variety of channels or modalities: they may speak, point, gesture, sign, write, in a variety of combinations – ie multimodality. [mehr]

"Post-socialist bazaars: Markets and diversities in ex-COMECON countries"

Workshops, conferences 2012
Prior to the collapse of Communism, hundreds of thousands of migrants arrived in various localities throughout COMECON countries by way of programmes of mutual cooperation and ‘socialist solidarity’. Since then, many have not returned to their countries of origin, but have become entrepreneurs mostly engaged in wholesaling and retailing. Women and men from various, previously Communist countries now commonly work as street vendors and sellers in open air markets and bazaars across other former Communist territories. Further, after the fall of the Berlin Wall a new wave of people with various ethnic, linguistic, religious and class backgrounds have engaged in petty trading, suitcase and market trading within ex-COMECON countries. Local markets, increasingly comprised of diverse peoples, play key roles in post-socialist economic development while they transnationally link a variety of geographical and socio-cultural spaces around the world. [mehr]
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