
in chronologischer Reihenfolge, absteigend

Ort: MPI-MMG, Hermann-Föge-Weg 11, Göttingen
Workshop organized by Monika Palmberger (MPI-MMG) and Goran Janev (MPI-MMG). [mehr]

"Religion, Culture and the Politicization of Honor Killing: A Critical Analysis of Media and Policy Debates in Germany, the UK, and Canada"

Seminar Series “Studying Diversity – Theoretical and Methodological Issues” Winter 2009/10

"Cosmopolitanism: challenges and promises of the idea"

Workshops, conferences 2009
Workshop organized by Ewa Morawska (University of Essex) and Magdalena Nowicka (LMU München). [mehr]

"Homogenizing diverse collective and familial histories. Strategies of ethnic Germans from and in the (former) Soviet Union"

Seminar Series “Studying Diversity – Theoretical and Methodological Issues” Winter 2009/10
Workshop organized by Heike Drotbohm (Universität Freiburg) und Boris Nieswand (MPI-MMG). [mehr]

"Integration Research in Europe: Old Questions and a New Project"

Seminar Series “Studying Diversity – Theoretical and Methodological Issues” Winter 2009/10

"Structuring Diversity: A Fitting Theoretical Framework with Empirical Illustrations"

Seminar Series “Studying Diversity – Theoretical and Methodological Issues” Winter 2009/10

"Integration and its Impacts on Diasporas-Homelands Relations"

Seminar Series “Studying Diversity – Theoretical and Methodological Issues” Winter 2009/10

"Understanding diversity: theoretical and methodological challenges"

Workshops, conferences 2009
IMISCOE B6 Workshop. [mehr]
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