
in chronologischer Reihenfolge, absteigend

Ort: MPI-MMG, Hermann-Föge-Weg 11, Göttingen

“Black Visuality in Europe”- Public Event

Workshops, conferences 2024
The roundtable discussion will link the academy to creative explorations of Blackness, with input from guests Dr. Melody Howse (MPI for Social Anthropology, Halle), Yero Adugna (Black in Berlin), and Solomon Mekonen (University of Oslo, Norway). [mehr]

6th International ART and the CITY Conference

Workshops, conferences 2024
The International Art and the City Conference was initiated in 2019 and has been hosted in different cities around the world every year. The 6th Conference sponsor is the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (MPI-MMG) Göttingen and it will take place at the Institute’s facilities 03-05 June 2024. [mehr]
The workshop is organised by Ulrike Bialas and Johanna M. Lukate, who are guest editing two special issues on the contestation of legal and social categories in the context of migration. [mehr]
In a global context of population ageing, migration and forced displacement, questions of transnational and translocal social protection remain paramount. Migrants and refugees at different stages of the life course seek social protection through a variety of channels: from formal state-based pension and social security schemes; cash transfers and humanitarian initiatives; to informal forms of social protection through kinship, religious networks, neighbourhood support groups, co-operatives and civil society organizations. Cutting across these different spaces are financial institutions and markets in promoting ideas and products around individualized future security. Piecing together these different forms of social protection is far from seamless and there are numerous inequalities that migrants and refugees confront in securing social protection and wellbeing, where some are eligible for formal support and others are excluded. [mehr]
DFG-funded network: Migration and im/mobilities in the Global South in Pandemic Times · 3rd network meeting (MPI-MMG Göttingen) · Organizer: Heike Drotbohm, Mainz University [mehr]
This symposium brings together scholars from sociology, anthropology, geography, and critical migration studies around the theme of the “local” as a vantage point to research and theorize issues of migration-related diversity and social interaction. [mehr]
Workshop participants (from left to right, bottom to top): Mira Burmeister-Rudolph (bottom left), Ángel A. Escamilla Garcia, Heike Drotbohm, Steven Vertovec, Adrian Favell (middle left), Amanda Cheong, Johanna M Lukate, Ulrike Bialas, Kiya Gezahegne (top left), Carolyn Choi, Gabriela Mezzanotti, Cecilia Menjívar [mehr]
A joint initiative by: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen · Diversity Studies Centre Oslo (DISCO), Oslo Metropolitan University · Indigenous Values Initiative, Syracuse University Henry Luce Project, American Indian Law Alliance [mehr]
Workshop organized by Katharyne Mitchell and Noor Amr [mehr]
HANNAH POHL is a Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies. Her research interests lie at the intersection between economic sociology and critical migration studies with a particular focus on migration trajectories and bordering processes. For her PhD thesis she conducted a multi-sited ethnography on Afghan migration trajectories in Iran, Turkey, Greece, and along the so-called Balkan route. She has been a visiting researcher at COMPAS Oxford University, Columbia University, and the Berlin Centre for Social Science. [mehr]
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