Jayeel Serrano Cornelio received his MSocSci (2007) and PhD (2011) degrees in sociology from the National University of Singapore. He was a recipient of the Asia Research Institute PhD grant, the Graduate Scholarship for ASEAN Nationals, and the Lee Foundation Prize for academic excellence. He was visiting research student at the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion at Lancaster University and visiting research associate at the Institute of Philippine Culture. In the Philippines, he has also been research fellow at the East Asian Pastoral Institute and instructor in sociology and development studies at the Ateneo de Manila University.
Adam Chau was born in Beijing and grew up in Beijing and Hong Kong (hence the Anglicised Cantonese romanisation of my Chinese name). His undergraduate and graduate training in sociocultural anthropology was done in the US. His doctoral fieldwork was conducted in Shaanbei (northern Shaanxi Province) in the Yulin and Yan’an prefectures, on the cultural, social and political aspects of the revival of popular religion in rural China during the reform period. The results of that research have been published in a monograph (Miraculous Response: Doing Popular Religion in Contemporary China; 2006, Stanford University Press) and a series of journal articles. After having lived in the US for more than a dozen years, Adam chau came to the UK in 2005, and has taught at Oxford and SOAS respectively before coming to Cambridge.