Dr. Hania Sobhy
Hania Sobhy ist seit 2017 Forscherin am MPI-MMG. Sie arbeitet zu den Themen Bildung, Staatsbürgerschaft und kontroverse Politik, mit besonderem Bezug zum Nahen Osten. Ihr aktuelles Projekt ist eine Studie über Lehrer, Ungleichheit und kollektives Handeln in Ägypten, Libanon und Tunesien. Ihr erstes Buch, Schooling the Nation: Education and Everyday Politics in Egypt, wurde 2023 bei Cambridge University Press veröffentlicht. Ihre Arbeiten sind u. a. in World Development, Mediterranean Politics, Citizenship Studies, Nations and Nationalism und Globalisation, Societies and Education erschienen. Sie schloss ihr Studium der Politik- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften in McGill und SOAS ab und war zuvor am IREMAM in Aix-en-Provence (Marie Currie COFUND), an der Freien Universität Berlin (EUME) und am Orient-Institut Beirut (Max Weber Stiftung) tätig. Für ihre frühere Feldforschung arbeitete sie mit dem IRMC in Tunis, dem OIB in Beirut und dem CEDEJ in Kairo zusammen. Sie arbeitet seit 2004 im Bereich internationale Entwicklung und schreibt regelmäßig für die ägyptische Tageszeitung al-Shorouk.
Auszeichnungen und Medienberichte:
- 2024 CAE Outstanding Book Award, American Anthropological Association: Honourable Mention
- 2025 Jackie Kirk Outstanding Book Award, Comparative and International Education Society: Finalist
- The New York Times (Link to Article)
- The Guardian (Link to Article)
- Education, inequality and social class in the Middle East and North Africa
- Teacher Trajectories, Diversity and Collective Action
- Lived Citizenship and Uprising in the Middle East (abgeschlossen)
Sobhy, H. (2023). Schooling the Nation: Education and Everyday Politics in Egypt (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108956031
Sobhy, H., & Abdalla, N. (2024). Lived citizenship and the Arab Uprisings: Everyday politics, mobilization and belonging. Citizenship Studies (Bd. 28, S. 565–689). London: Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.1080/13621025.2024.2435114
Sobhy, H. (2024). Campaigning for the revolution: Freedom, social justice and citizenship imaginaries in the Egyptian uprising. Mediterranean Politics, publise online, pp. 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/13629395.2024.2431775
Sobhy, H. (2024). Equity, the transnational and the global learning crisis. Cogent Social Sciences, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2024.2359268
Sobhy, H., & Abdalla, N. (2024). Lived citizenship and the Arab Uprisings: Everyday politics, mobilization and belonging. Citizenship Studies, 28(6), 565-594. doi:10.1080/13621025.2024.2435114
Sobhy, H. (2024). When do teachers strike: Between strong Unions, divergent preferences and political opportunity in Tunisia. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 1-16. doi:10.1080/14767724.2024.2319306.
Sobhy, H. (2021). The Lived Social Contract in Schools: From protection to the production of hegemony. World Development, 137, 104986. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.104986
Sobhy, H. (2021). Priorities of Educational Investment between Digital Learning and School Infrastructure. Al-Malaf Al-Masry, (79), 5–9.
Sobhy, H. (2016). Educational Crises and the Evolving Social Contract with the Middle Classes. Majalat al-Dimuqratiyya.
Sobhy, H. (2015). Secular Façade, Neoliberal Islamisation: Textbook Nationalism from Mubarak to Sisi. Nations and Nationalism, 21(4), 805–824. https://doi.org/10.1111/nana.12147
Sobhy, H. (2012). The de-facto privatization of secondary education in Egypt: A study of private tutoring in technical and general schools. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 42(1), 47–67. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057925.2011.629042
Sobhy, H. (2007). Reading Reform into the Past: Power and Islamist Articulations of Muslim History. Quest Journal, (4).
Beiträge in Sammelbänden
Sobhy, H. (2019). Old and New Education in Egypt: Pre-University Education Policies and their Impact on Social Justice. In M. El-Agati (Ed.), Public Policies and Social Justice in Egypt. Beirut: Arab Forum for Alternatives.
Sobhy, H. (2017). Recent Policy Directions in Egyptian Education: Privatization, Curriculum Reform and Teacher Salaries. In Civil Society and Public Policy Formation: Strategies from Morocco and Egypt (pp. 34–43). Arab Reform Initiative. Retrieved from https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/storage.arab-reform.net/ari/2017/07/10173603/arab_reform_initiative_201707-Civil_Society_and_Public_Policy_Formation_English.pdf
Sobhy, H. (2009). Amr Khaled and Young Muslim Elites: Islamism and the Consolidation of Mainstream Muslim Piety in Egypt. In D. Singerman (Ed.), Cairo Contested: Governance, Urban Space, and Global Modernity (pp. 415-454). American University in Cairo Press. https://doi.org/10.5743/cairo/9789774162886.003.0017
Working Paper
Sobhy, H. (2020). Violence, Class and Masculinity in Egypt: Gendered Punishment in Cairene Schools. MMG Working Papers, 20(03), 9–34. Link
Online Article
Sobhy, H. (2015). After the Paris attacks, what role for reforming education in the Middle East? [Online article]. openDemocracy. Retrieved from openDemocracy website: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/north-africa-west-asia/after-paris-attacks-what-role-for-reforming-education-in-middle-east/
Sobhy, H. (2015). “A collapse of formal schooling in Egypt”: Interview with Hania Sobhy (S. Rentsch) [Hypotheses - Online article]. Retrieved from https://ies.hypotheses.org/815#more-815
Sobhy, H. (2015). To Get Rid of Extremism in Egyptian Education, Understand Its Roots [Online article]. Al-Fanar Media. Retrieved from Al-Fanar Media website: https://www.al-fanarmedia.org/2015/11/to-get-rid-of-extremism-in-egyptian-education-understand-its-roots/
Sobhy, H. (2015). Article: Mafish Ta‘lim: Why Egypt Ranked Last on Education [The OIBlog from Beirut and Cairo]. Retrieved 18. Oktober 2023, from OIB_upclose website: https://oib.hypotheses.org/745
Policy Reports
Sobhy, H. (2023). Reforms for Another Planet: The Global Learning Crisis, Political Drivers and Expert Views on Egypt’s Edu 2.0. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE). https://doi.org/10.35489/BSG-RISE-2023/PE06
Sobhy, H. (2019). Expensive Classrooms, Poor Learning: The Imperatives of Reforming School Construction in Egypt (S. 6–32) [Policy paper]. Cairo: Alternative Policy Solutions - American University in Cairo. Retrieved from Alternative Policy Solutions - American University in Cairo website: https://api-aps.aucegypt.edu//uploads/articlesAttachments/1697360010pdfEN_School%20Construction_Policy_Final_Web.pdf